The arrival of a wisdom tooth is always accompanied by pain and swelling. It usually occurs during the age of 17-25 years or sometimes later for a few people. Since the wisdom tooth is usually the last one to arrive, there is not much room in our mouth for it to grow properly. As a result, they get stuck against other ones or grow above another tooth, hence the pain and swelling. From this arises the need for home remedies for wisdom tooth pain.

Also called ‘third molars’, a wisdom tooth is often trapped underneath the gums and cannot come on the surface because of the limitation of the space in jaws. The ultimate solution to end this problem is to get your wisdom tooth extracted. However, for the time being, these are few home remedies which one can use to get rid of the pain and swelling:
1. Clove oil – Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain
Clove oil is considered beneficial for teeth in general but it is quite effective for tooth pain as it is a natural pain reliever. You can apply some clove oil directly on your affected tooth, clove oil fight against the bacteria which grows into your mouth causing the pain.
2. Salt Water – Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain
Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in warm water and clean your gums with it, alternatively you can gargle with this solution for 1 minute. Salt water kills harmful bacteria and brings instant relief.

3. Icepack – Wisdom Tooth Ache Remedy
To reduce the swelling, you can use an icepack and gently press it on the jawline from outside. You can make an icepack at home by putting a few ice cubes in a zip lock pouch and cover it with a soft cloth and use it.
4. Neem – Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain
Neem has anti-microbial properties and effective for tooth pain. Make a thick paste of neem leaves by mixing it little bit of water and apply it on the affected tooth at night before going to bed.

5. Peppermint
Peppermint is a potential cure for toothaches. You can chew some peppermint leaves twice a day or you can also use peppermint oil on the affected tooth with the help of cotton. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and rinse it off with warm salt water.
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6. Baking Soda
Baking soda is a great option to reduce the swelling in the tooth. To use it, take a small amount of your toothpaste in a bowl and mix a pinch of baking soda in it. Do not use the toothbrush since the area is swelled up and put this mixture on your finger and gently rub it around the tooth which is hurting. Massage with your finger for 5-6 minutes and rinse it off.

7. Hot Beverages
Hot beverages are the saviors that relieve us from pain and swelling. Black tea is a good option for this type of pain. Here we are talking about the tea which is made using the teabag. The first step is to drink the black tea which will soothe away the swelling. Second step is to use that tea bag and put it on the aching tooth, the tea bag will draw away the pain.
8. Garlic
Garlic is an excellent remedy for toothaches. It has antibiotic properties that can suck away the pain from your teeth. You can bite a whole clove of peeled garlic if you can or you can crush it and mix some sea salt to it, but this mixture on your aching tooth for a few minutes. Not only it will relieve the pain but also it will draw out any viral infections from your mouth.

9. Onion
Just like garlic, onion also has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that can provide relief in toothaches. If you can chew some fresh peeled onion slices for a few minutes, it will be most effective.
10. Hing
An Ayurvedic method of getting rid of toothaches is Asafoetida, also known as hing. Since it is strong in flavor, it is impossible to put it directly on the affected tooth. Therefore take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and mix 1/4th teaspoon of hing in it. Dab a cotton ball in this mix and place it on the affected area.

11. Tea Tree Oil
One of the main reasons of toothache is the bacteria which are formed in the mouth during the arrival of wisdom tooth. Tea tree oil is an antibacterial agent that kills oral bacteria effectively. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil in coconut oil and apply this to the aching tooth as well as the gum surrounding it. It brings instant relief but make sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly as the tea tree oil should not go in your stomach.
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Apart from these home remedies, one needs to make sure to avoid sugary foods and drink plenty of water as it will help in flushing out the bacteria from your teeth and gums. The remedies mentioned above are surely going to give you relief however these are still short-term solutions.
It is necessary to take the consultation of your dentist when your wisdom tooth starts developing because in most cases the removal of the aching tooth is the preferred long-term solution.