A life that we are leading has more stress and less leisure. This makes our body the abode of many health issues. High blood pressure is one of the common examples of such health issues. There are many medications available in the market to curb or lower your pressure numbers. But in this article, we will discuss food that lowers blood pressure quickly.
Before that, let us briefly comprehend what is blood pressure.
Understanding The Significance of Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure is a natural pressure or a force present that helps in the smooth flow of the blood through our circulatory system.
It is through this force the vital nutrients and oxygen are carried to different parts of the body leading to tissue repair and organ rehabilitation.
When our heart pumps out the fresh blood in our arteries it exerts pressure. That is how with every heartbeat the blood pressure is generated in our body.
The good news is your food can lower blood pressure quickly and you do not need to be dependent on medications.
Here Are 8 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Quickly
1. Berries
The prominent presence of antioxidants and anthocyanins in berries make it a suitable fruit that lowers blood pressure. The main function of anthocyanins is to produce nitric oxide that reduces the production of molecules which restricts the free flow of blood vessels. This in turn reduces the blood pressure levels.
Blueberries, strawberries, cloudberries, chokeberries are a few berries that you can include in your diet plan for good results.
2. Citrus Fruits – Food That Lowers Blood Pressure Quickly
Lemons, oranges and even grapefruit are fruits that lower blood pressure quickly. They are full of plant compounds, vitamins and minerals that take care of the overall health of your heart.
Specific focus is given to the daily intake of lemon juice. Lemons contain citric acid and flavonoid that has shown great results in a reduction of SBP. It is even better if you club walking for at least 45 minutes a day with your daily intake of lemon juice.
You can get into the habit of having lukewarm lemon water every day in the morning to achieve desired health results.
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3. Pumpkin Seeds
The pumpkin seeds as suggested by almost every nutritionist is a great food source that lowers blood pressure quickly.
The pumpkin seeds have concentrated nutrients like potassium, magnesium and arginine that produces nitric oxide which is great for lowering blood pressure.
As per research, even the pumpkin seed oil has shown great results leading to lower blood pressure amongst its consumers.
4. Carrots
Carrot is highly nutritious making it a staple food item for many people.
Carrots contain high-level caffeic acids, p-coumaric and chlorogenic, which are all types of phenolic compounds, that reduces inflammation and relaxes our blood vessels.
This sweet crunchy vegetable can be enjoyed both raw as well as cooked. However, the consumption of raw carrot can fetch more benefits for your body than cooked ones.
5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain potassium and the carotenoid pigment lycopene.
Lycopene is known to combat all that comes in the way of keeping your heart healthy and pumping.
6. Spinach – Food That Lowers Blood Pressure Quickly
Spinach is loaded with nitrates. It is also a storehouse of magnesium, potassium, calcium and other antioxidants making it an excellent food that lowers blood pressure quickly.
Spinach soup reduces the stiffness in arteries thereby giving passage to the blood to flow smoothly and thereby reducing blood pressure.
7. Watermelon
An amino acid called citrulline present in watermelon helps our body to maintain blood pressure levels.
A study conducted on obese adult people with hypertension showed that the adequate intake of watermelon eased out the pressure in the ankles and brachial arteries.
You can eat these juicy fruits either in their natural form or add them to your salads and smoothies.
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8. Oats
Extremely high on fibre, oats, reduces blood cholesterol considerably. There is some research which even supports the theory that oats as food can lower blood pressure too.
The presence of beta-glucan fibre may reduce diastolic and systolic blood pressure.
Even, barely contains beta-glucan fibre.
The Takeaway
Nothing comes before your health. A healthy lifestyle with minimal stress can help you reduce your numbers of blood pressure.
You can add the above foods that lower blood pressure quickly to your daily diet plan. But it is advisable to consult your doctor to avoid mixing up your medications with any unsuitable food.