Pollution is now reminiscent of our day to day city life, even when we don’t step outside. You have smog, pollution, and dust everywhere which is drastically affecting our skin and its health. Moreover, with the recent rise in pollution levels and no sign of it slowing down, we have been left with little to nothing to help our skin, except for these anti-pollution skin care tips that everyone must know.

Effective skin care is the only way one can reverse the signs and result of pollution and it’s clubbed with a few simple and easy to find skincare items.
But the most important in an effective anti-pollution skincare tips list is the timing of all. One needs to be well aware of what needs to be done, and when? There are certain steps that are only suitable for the morning routine while others are best suited for your just-before-bed schedule.
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Hence, check out this step-by-step guide on the anti-pollution skin care tips list or how to protect your skin from pollution.
1. Remove Makeup
Never ever ever forget to sleep with your makeup on. There are tons of chemicals and harmful bacteria that gets accumulated on makeup over the course of a day when one is simply living their life out and about. Hence, always make sure to use cleansing water, or micellar water to get rid of any makeup on your face.

2. Cleanse Deeply
Every night after removing makeup, wash your face with a good cleanser that serves you your designated needs. Most of the good face wash available in markets contain lemon, neem, charcoal and tea tree extracts which are nice for your skin. Their medical properties cleanse your skin from any and every pollutant.

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3. Exfoliate your skin twice a week
Skin exfoliation is a good and easy method to cleanse your skin if you don’t wish to apply chemical products on your skin. Use a gentle face scrub and run it gently on your skin after keeping it moisturised for some time. This will gently clean your skin and remove the upper dead skin layer, thus brightening it up more.

4. Use a serum to soothe your skin
Another great anti-pollution skin care tip is to always use a serum targeting your problem area. Serums have antioxidants that prevent your skin from damage, fine lines, wrinkles, etc, and give a brighter and shinier look to it. It’ll even help to prevent premature aging. Use it regularly to see the best results.

5. Keep Your Skin Moisturised And Hydrated
Get a nice moisturiser to help you keep your skin moisturised all day long and even at night. Pollution accumulates dirt on your skin and moisturising it daily will cleanse it eventually. Also, drink lots and lots of water to hydrate your skin from within and get that inner glow.

6. Be Regular With Sunscreens
Whenever you go out, no matter how or what the weather is like, always use sunscreen. It is a must-do step in every skin care and trust us, the positive effects of using sunscreen are something that you’ll see in your older years.

7. Make Time For Face Mask
If you go out and work for long hours daily then it becomes extremely important to take care of your skin. Face masks for unwinding after a long day at work is the best thing to do, as it can immediately relax you and cleanses your skin perfectly too.

8. Help Your Skin To Rejuvenate At Night
Your skin repairs itself when you are sleeping, so in order to boost the process and help your body to rejuvenate the skin better, you can apply a natural cream all over your skin and face and leave it overnight, and repeat this on a daily basis for the best of result and in no time you’ll be physically able to spot the difference.

So, these were few anti-pollution skincare tips that you can use to take care of your skin against the dust and dirt we have to face every day. Apart from the tips that we’ve already given, you can even make a healthy balanced diet chart for yourself and the healthiest food that you can afford. Start exercising on a regular basis to get even better results.