What is phobia? If we sum up in book language, it is a type of anxiety disorder which usually defines a persistent fear of an object or situation. The affected person will go to great lengths to avoid that object or situation. In everyday language that means if something or some situation scares the hell out of you, you are phobic to that.
There are more than 400 distinct phobias well recognized by psychologists. But how many of them we know? Well, not many. We may never get to learn about something we fear the most if we have never encountered it but once it is done; there is no going back from it. You may be able to overcome the fear but somewhere down in the dark places of your heart it will keep bugging you.
Are you scared? You don’t need to be but you should be aware and for that we have compiled 15 kinds of strangest Phobia names that people have no idea about. For ex: At times people fear that they will fall asleep and there nightmares are gonna haunt them, they are called Somniphobic. So read on and find out do you have one of these of GOD has been too good to you.
Here Are 15 Kinds Of Strange Phobias People Have In Their Life:
20 May 2016
Avni S. Singh