The world’s biggest expedition to North Pole is currently docked in Germany, the strongman of not just western Europe, but of the entire continent. It’s said that the expeditionary team returned from the Arctic that is ‘dying,’ a term associated with the polar region that has come under heavy arrest of the climate change phenomenon.
But just for a second imagine the challenge and the unbridled excitement of being part of an expedition that went to the North pole and came back. The biting cold, the unbearable weather conditions, and making it back fine and dandy after braving nothing shy like the proverbial ‘storm!’
Though, truth be told, the aforementioned phrase rather represents the changing dynamics of the weather we are amid or facing! What do you think?

The purpose of the mission, one must know, was to fundamentally study the effects of climate change on the Arctic, the northernmost part of the planet; a place that we are all habitually destroying each time we do not understand the value and significance of the earth!
Isn’t it true?
In a report published on TRT World (one of the leading websites on global affairs and trending developments), it’s important to know the following:
The German Alfred Wegener Institute’s Polarstern ship returned to the port of Bremerhaven after spending 389 days drifting through the Arctic trapped in ice, allowing scientists to gather vital information on the effects of global warming in the region.
The team of several hundred scientists from 20 countries have seen for themselves the dramatic effects of global warming on ice in the region, considered “the epicentre of climate change”, according to mission leader Markus Rex.
Furthermore, the news report also touched upon the highlights of the mission shared by Markus Rex, the mission leader, who stated the following-
Underlining how much of the sea ice has melted away, Rex said the mission was able to sail through large patches of open water, “sometimes stretching as far as the horizon”.
But the following statement- a single line of truth, since this formed the basic observation of the mission- highlights the changing narrative:
“At the North Pole itself, we found badly eroded, melted, thin and brittle ice!”
Now just imagine! A planet with its polar caps melting. For the longest possible time have scientists, thinkers, ecologists, and conservers of the wide world warned about the most troublesome phenomenon but even then, none have taken the matter seriously enough.
Maybe that day is actually not (that) far where one may even embrace arctic minus ice. Ever thought about that? What if that were to be actually true? One’s not really sure if the humankind has prepared to face such an unprecedented change, which may come true if nothing is done now. So anyone thinking climate change isn’t happening- well- now is your time to wake up and smell the coffee!
Also Read: Germany Has A Strain With Thailand That Needs Attention From The ‘King!’
The report published on TRT World also highlighted:
The Polarstern mission, dubbed MOSAIC, spent over a year collecting data on the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and ecosystems to help assess the impact of climate change on the region and the world.