Sharad Pawar has been added to the list of Padma Vibhushan awardees of 2017 which is the second highest civilian award in India. While the award is given for exceptional and distinguished service in any field, Twitterati are finding it difficult to digest as Pawar has been subjected to several corruption accusations in the past.
The National Congress Party Leader was accused in the Wheat Scam of 2009, Land Scams of 2004-2007, Sugar Scam, Onion Scam and IPL Franchisees Pune and Rajasthan stake case. You name any talked about corruption case in the last decade and Sharad Pawar’s presence will welcome you.
People have termed Sharad Pawar’s inclusion in the list of awardees as a shame to Padma Vibhushan and took on twitter to vent out their frustration. We have gathered some of the most hilarious and humorous tweets and trust me, Indians have come a long way when it comes to creativity.
Is it true that Sharad Pawar is likely to get Padmavibhushan? My head hangs in shame. Most corrupt person in my country to get this award?
— Mrs Anjali Damania (@anjali_damania) January 24, 2017
Just asking : What exactly is Sharad Pawar's contribution to the country to get a Padma ? Unless being corrupt is a criteria ?
— Rana Ayyub (@RanaAyyub) January 25, 2017
BJP Government promised to bring back black money. Instead, they are awarding a man who is equal to a Swiss Bank himself. #SharadPawar
— Sagar (@sagarcasm) January 25, 2017
What is #SharadPawar being awarded a #Padma award for..??Did not know one gets awarded for being #corrupt too..Great going #India
— ENN (@HowardRoark25) January 25, 2017
#SharadPawar, president of "National Corrupt Party" to get #PadmaAwards.
One more step towards Corruption Free INDIA 👌👏👏
— Prabhash (@Sengar_Harshkr) January 25, 2017
Some1 may reach SC against #SharadPawar getting Padma Vibhushan! Ppl opposing only his name in long list of #PadmaAwards 😋😋😋
— Vivian (@deshi_liberal) January 25, 2017
#SharadPawar gets #PadmaAwards for 'black buck'
Next Salman will get Oscar for his High Court performances of blackbuck
Both well deserved.— Vismay Sudra (@The_Ironic_man) January 25, 2017
Sharad Pawar awarded Padma Vibhushan. Filmfare is not the only award that can be bought #travesty #NationalCorruptParty #SharadPawar
— Kiran Iyer (@kiran_iyer) January 25, 2017
#SharadPawar gets a Padma Vibhusan, see that's the side effect opposition was talking about demonetization.
— Monk (@Monkeybaaaat) January 25, 2017
Awarding #SharadPawar is like giving lifetime achievement award to Uday Chopra. Smh
— Punjabi Munda (@itsSinghM) January 25, 2017
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25 January 2017
Rohan Jaitly