Another day in India- and another high for it’s women. But this is no ordinary feat; rather, an achievement that will make everyone proud- regardless of gender. Amid a row over appointments in Indian judiciary, honourable Indu Malhotra took the oath as the Supreme Court Judge of India on April 27, 2018. The appointment of honourable Indu Malhotra and the ascendency to the supremest house of justice in India means that it’s the seventh time that a woman has made it to the helm of affairs in the top court since Independence.

The senior lawyer, honourable Indu Malhotra was administered the oath by the Chief Justice Dipak Misra. But finding no easy fervour in the eventual appointment, Ms. Malhotra was one of the two names recommended by a collegium of top judges, to be elevated to the top court bench.
At 61, Ms. Indu Malhotra has become the first woman lawyer to be directly appointed as the Supreme Court judge. Ms. Indu Malhotra’s occupation of one of the most dignified and respectable seats in Indian judiciary comes after the collegium of judges held back the ascendency of Uttarakhand Chief Justice KM Joseph, who, many believed was touted to succeed.

The two important names including that of Chief Justice KM Joseph were recommended earlier in the month of January. On April 26, a statement from the chief justice, honourable Mr. Misra cleared the air over the rejection of Uttarakhand Chief Justice Mr. Joseph, with Mr. Misra sharing, “there is nothing wrong” with the government sending back the other name.
In some ways, it ought to be said that Ms. Indu Malhotra’s appointment as the judge of Supreme Court is a watershed moment for women serving the legislature or judiciary. She became only the second woman to be designated as a senior advocate based in the Supreme Court, New Delhi back in 2007. The first woman to be designated the eminent honour was named 30 years before Ms. Malhotra. Born in Bangalore and a graduate from the University of Delhi, honourable Indu Malhotra has authored pivotal legal literature, “the third edition of a commentary on The Law and Practice of Arbitration and Conciliation” which was released in April 2014.

india’s new supreme court judge entered the legal profession around three and a half decades ago, beginning her journey in the sphere of law in 1983. Born in Bangalore and raised in Delhi, the honourable Indu Malhotra secured a B.A Hons (political science) from the revered Lady Shri Ram College in New Delhi and would go on to secure a Masters in Political Science from the same esteemed institute. A long list of MNCs have been represented by Ms. Malhotra that include- KPMG, ANZ Grindlays Bank, Agilent Technologies, Pepsico India, British Petroleum among others.