Anyone and everyone who knows about Christian Bale knows about the greatness this man possesses in terms of his craft. Bale is one actor who doesn’t like to be in his comfort zone and this is a proven fact that whenever someone tries to get out of their comfort zone, great things happen to them. The same happened to Bale and all of that gave birth to these Christian Bale quotes that are necessary for every budding actor to see and stick with.
More than just an actor, these Christian Bale quotes are for everyone who is finding it hard to get by. We all face situations where we are left with two options – to run away or to fight it, and these quotes are the perfect thing you need to come across at that time in your life.
Christian Bale is a phenomenal actor who has time and again worked his magic on the big screen and gave his everything to his movies, directors, storyline and characters. Each and every character that Bale has ever played, he has worked extremely hard for it and not just by remembering the line completely or by getting in the head of the character, but also by changing himself completely for it.
Be it Batman’s super-fit body, or American Hustle’s extra pounds, give Bale a challenge and he’ll prove himself to the entire world and that too with finesse like no other.
So, check out these Christian Bale Quotes and have a peek inside the mind of one of the greatest actors of our time. His work and dedication towards his craft is something that everyone should look up to, in their lives.
1. You don’t need to just survive in this life but rather live it to the fullest.

2. Do it completely and give it your 100% that’s how you’ll achieve everything you want in life.

3. No matter how foolish you look, always remember that there is something that no one can take away from you and that is your hard work and passion for your work.

4. Being boring is probably the worst thing anyone can ever be.

5. This is how you can identify a great actor from a pool of heroes.

6. No matter what you’re at heart, what you do eventually speaks louder for you. So, always do good and do it perfectly.

7. Conning is the art of getting by in this life and everyone is doing it, knowingly or unknowingly.

These were some of the most followed and loved Christian Bale quotes that give his fans an idea of what kind of man he truly is, and he’s someone who likes to take risk, who loves his work and more importantly, he is someone who isn’t scared of going the extra mile to perfect something.