

Is Kerala Finally Climbing Out Of The COVID 19 Scare?

It’s not called the god’s own country for nothing. It is a land of boundless pleasures that stem from serenity and a naturally-captivating landscape that carries the bespoke earthen charms of India. Not overzealous or ostentatious in that there aren’t…

4 Innocent Lives Lost, 17 Injured As Tractor-Trolley Turns On The Head In MP!

We are in a country of accidents. We are in a country where it’s actually a bit of a misfortunate thing to say that there are as many people as there accidents and swarms of cars and vehicles on cluttered…

Here’s Why We All Need To Worry About Air Pollution Seriously?

Air pollution in India is no longer a joke. It isn’t a random problem either that can be simply shoved under the carpet. None of us are children or entrants to kindergarten that one needs to hold our hands and…

Winners of The LIT Digital Awards 2021 Announced by The Literary Mirror

The much-awaited results of The LIT Digital Awards 2021 by The Literary Mirror, a digital literary magazine of global standards, were announced with grandeur by celebrating its esteemed winners. The LIT Digital Awards Season 2 received an overwhelming response over…

Are You A Good ‘Light Catcher!’ Well, Then This Iceland Hotel Can Reward You Well!

Some of the best things in life are for free. For example, the love and affection given by our parents and loving or doting grandparents. Nothing can and nothing ever will replace that greatness bestowed upon us, whether you attribute…

As Taliban Extends Its Footprint Over Afghanistan, What’ll Happen To Indian Missions There?

India has a lot of missions in present-day Afghanistan. The most important ones, besides the famous Indian embassy in Kabul, a subject of vitriol and attacks in the past, happen to be the consulates in the cities of Kandahar as…

Lajpat Nagar Central Market To Remain Shut For Breach Of COVID Norms!

Another day and another piece of news regarding the breach of COVID protocols. While in the recent past, one got to hear news about the breach of COVID protocols in cities like Indore, which on any given day, makes positive…

Delhi’s Current COVID Case Count Falls Below 1000-Mark!

After enduring a torrid last two months or so, finally it appears that the troubles in the city of New Delhi have de-escalated somewhat, where it specifically comes to the COVID 19 onslaught, a problem that had held the city…

How Does India Plan To Counter Drone Strikes, Like The Ones Seen At J&K?

“You cannot sit idle when struck by terror; you must act proactively and prepare for a response!” Most terror states nowadays have a strategy that involves the usage of drones. Drones have, after all, in this day and age of…

Online Classes In Mumbai Mischievously Interrupted By Porn Clip!

In a piece of news that can be called absurd, notorious and sudden in equal measure, online classes in a Mumbai college were, all of a sudden, interrupted by appearance of pornographic clips that left students and teachers shocked in…

No Chances Of Monsoon For Delhi In The Imminent Future?

Searing heat. Rising temperatures. Enormity of humidity. The feeling of being stuck in your house even as the lockdown has ended with the realisation that there’s immense heat outside. Can’t be truer in the case of Delhi. For at the…

Is Another Variant Rather Variants A New Coronavirus Threat?

Much of the world for a year and a half has been a quiet and shattered place all thanks to the Coronavirus threat. Economies collapsing, job burning out, families receding to the most uncomfortable and barely liveable ways, not to…

Twitter MD Manish Maheshwari Booked By UP Police!

When you were in school and during your Geography lectures, your teacher asked you to pinpoint all the states and union territories in India and, if by chance, you erred, chances were- not only were you slapped in front of…

Arrests Made In Delhi Regarding Blasts Near Israeli Embassy! Is The Mossad Watching?

The common saying in the world of espionage and geopolitics is that one shouldn’t mess with Israel. Rather, to put it more succinctly, one shouldn’t needlessly meddle with a country like Israel. Do not get your hands dirty in any…

An Indian Businessman Was The Only Passenger On An Air India Flight To Dubai!

When you fly not in the economy class but fly business class, you know you are in some elite company. Similarly, the exclusivity afforded to you when you are not an economy class passenger is when you travel exclusive first…

A Bihar Man Posing As Foreigner Duped A Woman For 2.5 Crores Having Found Her On Facebook!

Social media is a massive truth of our lives and a dominant discourse of the 21st century, an age where it has become the the voice of the voiceless, having given a platform for self-expression to those who never found…

661 Individuals In Indore Fined For Not Wearing Masks!

In what can only be called a shocker from the beating heart of Madhya Pradesh, as many as 661 individuals in Indore were fined for not wearing the safety masks in public. To not be wearing a face mask whilst…

How Soon Will Schools Reopen In India? Government Has An Answer!

For the longest time now, parents across India have lacked smiles and been putting up with a sense of doubt, which hitherto now, hasn’t really subsided. So what is troubling the Indian parents at the moment? In an age where…

The New Challenge Indore Has Tasked Itself With!

There are some cities in India that are loved for being green. They bring forth the element of cleanliness, which is such a key requirement for any huge urban space with India having plenty of large urban cities. Then, there…

10 Father’s Day Movies To Enjoy With Your First Superhero – Your Dad!

Fathers are such unique creatures in the world. They’ll never show or say what they feel, want, or do, but always silently observing and giving their everything for the happiness of their families. They’ll be the first ones to run…

What’s The Current Status Of COVID Cases In India?

After several of India’s states went into a state of lockdown for a period of no fewer than a fortnight to a month, it was expected that things would improve, at least, somewhat for the month of April, in particular,…

Delhi, Once Again, Defies Social Distancing, With Several Found Flouting Norms!

Let’s talk of facts first. They are called norms for the simple reason that norms are to be respected and adhered to, and are meant to be clearly followed for they are about practicing a certain kind of abstinence from…

Many Cities Reopen As COVID 19 Infections Hit 2 Month Low!

Change is the one enduring factor that makes it all count and marks all the difference. Without change, we are all stagnant and perhaps even immobile. Without change, we are practically nothing. When the global pandemic took a turn for…

The Strange Case Of A Missing Delhi Rapper MC Kode!

We love mystery tales and stories on the edge of suspense. We relish the whodunnit, whether it’s a latest on Netflix or a past crime thriller that brings to life the surreal but unexpected shocking tales. But when something similar…

Mumbai Restaurants And Salons To Reopen- With An Occupancy Of 50 Per Cent!

One of the major cities of India that had been gasping for a breath of relief, having suffered tremendously during these difficult COVID 19 days, is finally beginning to come back to its feet. And in some cases, as was…