Finding the nicest guy is a dream that every girl grows up with but on the other hand, knowing the characteristics of a ‘nice guy’ turns out to be one of the most difficult puzzles to solve for a male mind as well as the heart. While the basic need of every girl these days is to just get clicked on the very first date but the actual analysis starts for the very next day when they start to find the qualities of a nice guy in ‘you’.
Guys are also born as humans but then life takes over and we tend to bend ourselves according to the need of rationality, reality and very often the due to the fear of being marked as a douchebag.
But from the inside, some of us are of the emotional type and try to be the tough guy in order to find the love of our life because that is what we think every girl desire these days. However, the issue of love is as complicated as we make it and it is still one of the easiest things to understand.
From my personal experiences, what I have learned is a girl needs someone to feel comfortable around and be herself without to the fear of getting judged. The adrenaline rush of intimacy never lasts in a long relationship until there are regular heart-to-heart conversations. A man is often said to be the last one to end an argument but at times, we need to understand the need of the hour and just hug it out. Fights do happen, what on what note they end, matters.
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The matter of heart is so simple that just a peck on the cheek can melt both parties but for being at that stage, a man needs to understand the traits of a nice guy in order to get a love of his life.
Some say that the men who don’t swear despite how cool they are, are the nicest guys but that’s not true, always, neither are the men who have no problem in sharing their social media passwords with their girlfriend because that is what they have been preparing for from their very first relationship.
The Signs That Mean You’re The Nicest Guy Ever are the ones only you can realize and these are often the traits that are hard to accept openly, but my friends if you have them, then don’t shy away as the world needs more of you as the days of true gentlemen’s are coming to an end. Accept your insecurities and if you have any of the below-mentioned Signs That Mean You’re The Nicest Guy Ever, accept it and cherish it.
1. You are really bad at lying, and if situations demand you to become one, you feel guilty for days after lying.
2. You feel really uncomfortable saying or even thinking anything negative behind someone’s back, irrespective of it being true or not.
3. You do not know how to flirt and you try to avoid standing next to girls during your transit in public transport, just in case they think that you’re being creepy in any manner.
4. Whether someone genuinely needs your help or that someone is taking advantage of you, you still keep doing the good anyways.
5. Your female acquaintances feel safe around you because you are sincerely decent, and you never complain despite getting friend-zoned at times.
6. You know that being nice makes you prone to heartbreaks, deception, and inferior treatment but you still prefer to be who you are rather than try to be the bad boy just to look tough enough.
These are the 6 Signs That Mean You’re The Nicest Guy Ever and you might ask why I choose the number 6? For me, the number signifies the similarities between the both the genders from the inside despite them being the exact opposite from the outside. It may sound confusing to many out there but that is how I feel and I am letting the world to know it and you should do the same.
People will keep saying that these are not the traits that a guy should have but the reality is, of you are the ‘Guy’ with these characteristics, women would want to be with you rather than the ones who carry a veil of toughness.
It’s hard to be someone like this, but it is who you are and you should carry it will all the confidence.