Canada surely likes to drink and live a good regal life. That’s something we all know and know pretty well. Right? But did you know that Canada also enjoys getting a good high, soaking in some fun whilst freely puffing away?

Apparently, that’s true and there’s nothing to be too surprised about. Canadians love to drink merrily and consume all the marijuana that they possibly can, making them a rare first of a kind that spends a hefty amount on booze as also on marijuana.

As per a latest news report published by the revered BBC, Canadians spent a mammoth $5.6 billion on Cannabis back in 2015. This was approximately the same that they spent on wine consumption.

The official stand of Canada’s government- it pretty much turns out- doesn’t seem to be too vehemently at loggerheads with marijuana. In fact, it is also being reported that the government soon plans to invest on research so that it can affirm the drug’s effect on the economy and the society.

This is of course not a knee-jerk reaction stemming from such a large scale consumption of marijuana across the country. Efforts are on to legalise cannabis in Canada by next year. So far, it is known that marijuana consumption has caught up with people, with the drug growing in popularity over the course of last few years.

In 2015 alone, Canadians consumed 697.5 tonnes of pot which according to reports amounts to somewhere between $5- 6.2 billion. Many Canadian provinces, it is believed, have resorted to a policy of charging approximately 10 Canadian dollars for every gram of marijuana. The said prices will of course come into effect once the nation-wide drive to legalise cannabis is completed somewhere mid of 2018.

But if one were to rewind the clocks back into the 1960s and 1970s, it could be found that Marijuana was far popular though only with young people, of course, barring some exceptions as is always the case. Today, however, different age groups take to it in leisure and for finding recreation, quite like one finds pleasure in drinking one’s ‘poison of choice’: whether it is beer, gin, whiskey, wine or simply, juice.
That being said, regardless of what moral policing says, you can do it if it’s legal. And isn’t considered criminal or unlawful in places that obviously permit its usage. As for the rest of the places, no point in tampering with the law or putting oneself at risk for something that’s clearly not allowed.