Jukkasjarvi, in Sweden usually doesn’t make all that news, truth be told. Located in the Kiruna Municipality, Jukkasjarvi usually makes familiar news in lines with a famous marketplace, for the scenic view the location checkered at an elevation of 321 metres offers. And when not, then it is quoted for its picturesque lakes.
With no more than 548 inhabitants, according to the 2010 figures, there’s a charming combination of splendor and quiet that one can expect from the municipality whose names stems from the Northern Sami origin.
But of late, the usually quiet and frequently bohemian Jukkasjarvi has added an ephemeral touch to its beauty. Believe it or not, but one of the most widely-recognized and foremost tourist destination spots in the whole wide world today belongs to this quaint destination.
The Swedish municipality, you ought to know, is home to a famous Ice Hotel. Nestled approximately 200 kilometres north of Arctic Circle- believe it nor not- in northern Sweden stands the Ice Hotel 365 that’s built on a small Swedish village.

But wait for a second. If a question was asked to you that what according to you is a unique facet attached to the name of this Ice Hotel, then what would your answer be? Do you find something interesting etched in there?
Truth of the matter being, if you look at the name closely, then you’d find that the reason the phrase- 365 follows ‘Ice Hotel,’ is there for a reason and is not some random addition.
And this is something that’s quite remarkable. Apparently, the Ice Hotel is open all 365 days of the year and right in here rests an interesting catch. What if you were told that the hotel does not melt, well not even in harsh summer? What would you say?
This, precisely happens to be the key facet of the Sweden-bound Ice Hotel that it welcomes guests all throughout the year.
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But this being an era where a facet like global warming is truer (and hard hitting) than ever before, what’s the key to the mystery to the world’s foremost and Europe’s one-of-a-kind Ice Hotel? Just how does it stay intact and avoid melting?
Is there something at the heart of its pristine and seasoned architectural design that enables it to hold its shape and maintain its physical form?
Here’s what a report featuring on the ap 7 am had to share:
Ice gets melted in summer; it is a well-known fact. Surprisingly, the world’s first ice hotel is in operation that doesn’t melt even in summer. It is covered with 2,000 square metres of insulation. The roof of the Ice hotel has 20-centimetre insulation to protect the ice from melting in summers. It is called Ice Hotel 365, which is built in the small village of Jukkasjarvi, in Northern Sweden.
With a vivid design that’s riddled with comfort and is, at the same time, eye-pleasing, the Ice Hotel’s uniqueness doesn’t only end in its design style; that it boasts of Art and Deluxe suites in addition to an amazing Ice bar are just some of the key headlining features of this exquisite icy enclosure in the heart of Scandinavia.
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Moreover, there even happens to be a room where one can learn about the said hotel’s history through art and images, along with a video presentation.
So are your bags packed yet for the upcoming summer holiday. You know where to be at right?