Much of the world might be locked in due to the current pressing concern called the Coronavirus. But that does not mean that Germany will cast a blind eye on a critical legal matter that has to be decided and now. So what exactly is happening in the heart of Western Europe, right in the middle of the most stable economic power, in whose hands often rests the fortune of the flourishing continent?
Apparently, two former members of the controversial Syrian army had been living in Germany for a while, albeit hiding their real identities.
The two individuals- Anwar Raslan, a former colonel in the Syrian military, and his co-defendant Eyad-al-Gharib- had been posing as refugees whilst living in Germany.
But that’s not all.
What made matters rather serious regarding their presence in the country was that the two have been accused of war crimes, and had, in fact, been picked up by German authorities as of last February, i.e., 2019.
Charged with committing brutalities during the Syrian war, a legal process, marked with an indictment, apparently, a 100-paged long paper, exposes the true involvement of these dubious individuals, who are now part of that trial in Germany that frankly, all are talking about.
That said, if you really thought that much of the world was just reporting about and only concerned with the current developments concerning the COVID-19 virus, then please think again.
Had the matter not been serious, then why would Germany have acted, with portals like the famous Al Jazeera stating in its reportage on the trial in Germany, ” German law says it is important to proceed with the case quickly in the interests of justice and an efficient legal system?”
Now let’s get to the heart of the matter.
What exactly is the case against Raslan, who is currently under the upkeep of the German police custody?
Apparently, the charge against the accused states it clearly: as many as 58 people were reported to have been found dead, having been kept under the Branch 251 of the Syrian Military intelligence unit, the very unit Raslan was charged with overseeing.
The witnesses, who are currently giving their version to the legal authorities overseeing the critical trial in Germany are also offering their testimonies; which have that they had heard several voices during that time.
This could mean only one thing if proven factual and just: that the voices were of those who were being harassed and treated brutally or being subjected to violence, to put it simply.

Now the matter that is being investigated in this trial in Germany pertains to the time period of April 2011- to- September 2012.
The seriousness of the matter can be simply understood by the fact that the German Federal Supreme Court is involved in the ensuing issue, whereupon a senior lawyer shared the following insights:
“We believe that such crimes against civilians should not go unpunished. Our historical responsibility means that we [Germans] must pursue this kind of case, as far as it is possible for us to do so.”
What’s further interesting is the the current case does not involve any jury and therefore, no jury trials, may even go for 2 years, and the fate of the matter shall be decided- as reported- by five specially appointed judges.
Where Raslan- the key culprit, when and if proven guilty- is concerned, then a written statement, currently being prepared by the accused, shall be presented for the judges’ consideration.
Given the intensity and the urgency of the matter, none of which can be doubted, one of the key witnesses, whose testimony could prove to be decisive shared that this case is a strong message to the Assad regime, and as a matter of fact, to all kinds of brutal dictatorships anywhere else in the world- that war crimes cannot go unpunished.
But for now, one will have to wait until further updates arrive from the city of Koblenz.