Have you wondered how Coronavirus in Singapore affected the country? We aren’t in some highly unusual times, after all, or are we? Sooner or later, truth be told, one had to learn the dark side of ingesting things one was far better off reading only in strictly carnivorous fiction. Albeit, mankind always finds a way to push the canvass of its imagination, embracing ideas and choices that only expose its own existence to greater risk. How else would one define the length and breadth of the challenge that is Coronavirus?
Suffices to say hell unleashed here upon us? Well, that won’t do.
The rising toll of deaths, lives claimed in hundreds and thousands of numbers every passing day with a sense of panic and tension suspended in thin air; there are worries and mental jolts straddling for attention (competing for space) just as much as there’s this dangerous virus.
So just how’s been the impact of Coronavirus in Singapore, a country which many think to this point has curtailed the epidemic quite nicely and with great restraint?
Well, truth be told, if one really wishes to understand the impact then it would have to be through the impact that the country’s national air carrier has received. And we are talking explicitly about the Singapore International Airlines.
So what exactly is this jolt like and how deeply as the phenomenon of Coronavirus in Singapore affected the state of air travel?
Well for starters, it suffices to note that till about end-April the famous Singapore International Airlines is slated to cut 96 percent of its scheduled capacity. This is simply down to the fact that borders around the world are being sealed, thus impacting the overall standing of air travel to and fro Singapore.

But the above move is no abstract point of action. Nor is it some knee-jerk reaction to the trending subject that’s affected countless lives all around. This means that as many as 138 SIA and Silk Aircraft (s) shall be grounded for now, sans any kind of movement whatsoever.
What else can one possibly expect during such times afflicted by rampant despair and concerns?
Overall, this also means that SIA is to face the tough brunt of an economic hit. Due to the simple fact that there’s nothing like a domestic segment for the famous Changi airport-based carrier, much of its economic activity has been dealt a great blow because people internationally aren’t moving out, they aren’t stepping out of the comfort of their homes. And how can they?
Meanwhile, that told, a news report published on the Straits Times suggested the following in greater elaboration to the trending development:
“It is unclear when the SIA Group can begin to resume normal services, given the uncertainty as to when the stringent border controls will be lifted,” it said. “The resultant collapse in the demand for air travel has led to a significant decline in SIA’s passenger revenues.”
The Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation has also estimated that about half of all global airlines could disappear before the year-end as casualties of Covid-19.
Now, the above is an untenable blow and could run several businesses out of the flow.
Yet, the only positive, if any, it could be said, is that unlike several other nations that have reported an exceedingly high number of cases the onslaught of the Coronavirus epidemic being totally unsparing, there haven’t been too many cases emanating from the prosperous part of Asia.
Unlike an Italy or Iran where the mere sight of coffins is hauntingly inducing the worst fear in people’s minds, Singapore has dealt with just above 400 cases.
As on March 21, there were about 432 cases of Coronavirus in Singapore. But on the positive side- a total of around 140 cases of people infected with the deadly virus had fully recovered thanks to an excellently well-rounded system of timely medical care provided by the government.
Yet, not all is well for the famous economic hub in the heart of Southeast Asia- right? As on date, the famous Singapore International Airlines were serving as many as 140 destinations around the world in more than 35 countries and territories.