In the polls, Trump is falling behind, but now the campaigner can play to his strengths. And he is in a situation where he can pour fuel on the fire. There are some facts about Donald Trump that his supporters disregard as outrageous allegations, but we need you to go through them and decide on your own.

Donald Trump made his grand coronation speech at the Washington Monument, and he lit a real firework. Not rhetorical, but very tangible fireworks. Rockets were shot into the sky above as planned. Only the speech itself was a misfire.
American President’s speeches are sometimes funny and sometimes terrifying. This speech was boring as it was read through a teleprompter without passion or inspiration.
The speech was delivered in a week that shows America in 2020 as if it were under a magnifying glass. Forest fires and blackouts in California while the Gulf Coast prepares for a storm. In Kenosha, Wisconsin, police shot a black man seven times in the back, then burned the city until a 17-year-old gun nut who opened fire on protesters, a deputy sheriff shot and killed two protesters with his assault rifle.
Every evening a parallel world was displayed on all News channels, in which a hero in the White House almost single-handedly fights against the impending demise of the nation but not against fires, floods, racism, but against the socialists and the anarchists.
While in reality, outside the boundaries of the White House and newsrooms, more than a thousand Americans died of COVID every day, in the parallel world Corona had long been defeated, police violence was only a feverish dream of the left, Donald Trump was the greatest fighter for truth, women, and blacks. This was just the week 35 of the year 2020 in the United States of America.
The official title of the evening program was the Republican National Convention. In fact, it was not the Republicans’ party convention, but the big Trump Show, in which the party reduced its election program to the two words Donald and Trump and paid homage to its leaders like a sect or a cult.
It would be fun to tell you the absurdity of this event in the most beautiful blooms, but there is a more important story. How in the hell, can Americans vote for Trump again after all that has happened. Here are three uncomfortable truths about Donald Trump and that includes all of us.
Truths About Donald Trump
First, he has no followers, he has disciples. Those who have fallen for the Trump cult only see black and white and villains among the Democrats and the media and other elites who only live to kill the lonely hero Trump. Trump has created a reality of its own here, in cross-fertilization with Fox News and conspiracy theorists. He cannot lose this support because his loyal followers have settled in a parallel world in which there are other threats from inside the country.

In Trump, they see someone who thinks it’s just wrong for America to be less white and Christian. Trump affirms those who continue to consider America the very best country on earth. He has a third of the electorate by his side.
Second, there are many voters who see through Trump but still vote for him. They are the ones we overlook by just looking at Trump’s poor approval ratings. You don’t have to grade him well to get your mark on him. They often live in the suburbs and are well educated. Many messages at the party congress were intended for them like ‘Nobody is safe in Joe Biden’s America’ which is a warning of Joe Biden’s alleged tax plans. These messages do stir the fear of violent protests. The message for these voters was clear that you don’t have to like Trump, but he protects you and your wealth.

These are the people who when asked “Do you want your kids to be like Trump?”, answer, “Under no circumstance, But he does politics for us.” These voters do not see Joe Biden as an option.
Third, Trump trained us. He is a master at attracting attention and captivating it. He sets the issues, blows the falsehoods, and lies into the world, which the public, fact-checkers, and opponents then chase. There are lies, Day in, day out, at the party conference, by tweet, and with every appearance. In the big Trump circus, he is the managing director, main attraction, and tamer at the same time, and many Americans dutifully perform the practiced feat in the ring.

On the one hand, he is spreading his own virtue of Joe Biden. If there is outrage about what he does or says, it benefits his business model. He comes back and says ‘Look how unfairly the media treats me’. And finally, every boundary he crosses, which would be a scandal with any other president, dissolves into a pulp of the next boundary he will cross, which would be a bigger lie.
An example: It was of course shameless how Trump used the White House day in and day out as a stage at the party congress. He illegally mixed government business with party business. That would probably break a committee of inquiry into any other president, but not Trump because this is the least of the problems with him.
During the corona and economic crisis and the ongoing protest against racism and police violence, Trump’s continuous firing strategy is facing its greatest test.
How is Trump dealing with Corona? Well, he recently declared that those who have no symptoms should no longer be tested. It was decided while the responsible expert Anthony Fauci was under anesthesia for an operation. Only, so the annoying number of cases would go down and Trump and his supporters can claim that their ‘hero’ has defeated Corona. It does not matter if the people or the government are aware of the actual number of corona cases in America.

Suggested Read: US President Donald Trump’s Net worth, Assets and Salary
With the protests against racism, he keeps pouring oil vigorously. The more fire breaks during protests, the better for him. Kellyanne Conway, the outgoing communications adviser, made it clear again in her final days at the White House that the more violence erupts, the better it is for Trump. She had put it just a tad more elegantly saying ‘The more chaos, anarchy, vandalism, and violence there is, the better for the very clear choice of who is the best candidate for security and law and order.’
Trump’s hope now is that approval of the ‘Black lives matter’ campaign will decline and that convincing voters will be deterred by the violence in the cities that are mostly governed by Democrats. And that they will join Trump, who never cared for the rule of law, in the election campaign while Buying law and order. He is not there to take responsibility but cannibalize upon his previous outrageous acts.
Even now, the surveys are not as clear-cut as some experts suggest. It’s right and significant that Biden is ahead, nationwide, and in most key states. But the lead in the contested states is narrow and Trump is within the striking distance. And no one should underestimate a president who has devoted disciples, offers other voters a deal on security and prosperity, and has perfected the method of ‘Divide and rule’.
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