Let’s just get this straight, everyone loves boobs, right? However, social media has time and again shown some kind of tension with Female breast nipple. They have banned it because nipples are decent, only if they belong to a man’s body. Female nipples have something special about them which is why social media needs to ban them. This specific banning led to many movements like #FreeTheNipple and Genderless Nipples.
Along with this, social media also bans nipple even when they’re meant for breast cancer awareness. Which if you really think about, is utterly nonsensical because how would you be able to tell people to check them if you can’t even show them the major element of checkup.
Last year, a video from Argentina went viral on the Internet, which was a PSA on breast cancer. The Ad agency brilliantly delivered the information about breast cancer without violating social media norms by basically substituting female boobs with male boobs. This entire concept went on to catch major eyes from all over the world.
Man Boobs 4 Boobs: Watch The Video Here:
(Video Source: Advert.ge)
Now, the same agency has come out again where they made a video about a song and named it “Everybody Loves Boobs”.
The ad agency substituted female nipples with moving lips that sing a song about social media and its hypocrisy as well as the need for breast cancer awareness. Because everyone loves boobs.
Everyone loves boobs: Check out the video here:
(Video Source: MACMA – Movimiento Ayuda Cáncer de Mama)
Apart from being kick-ass creative, the video also dropped some harsh truth bombs on us like, one in eight people have to undergo surgery for breast cancer and that men also suffer from the same disease. All of this, and much much more has been perfectly remixed by the makers for catching the eye as well as, catching the attention.
21st April 2017
Jyotsna Amla