Apparently, there’s been a national tragedy of sorts in one of the most enigmatic continents on the face of the earth. Hundreds of Koalas are feared dead in Australia in a wildfire that has engulfed the continent worth 25 million inhabitants in a wave of gloom!
And it’s one of Australia’s widely populated New South Wales State that has faced the wrath of nature’s fury that ultimately took a toll on one of the most precious elements of the Australian wildlife.
As a result of a seemingly out-of-control bushfire that struck Australia’s east coast, New South Wales has seen a hemorrhage of sorts where hundreds of Koalas are feared dead in Australia.
The bushfire, it is believed, was caused as a result of a lightning strike that took the town of Port Macquire by surprise, which is situated some 400 (that’s somewhere around 249 miles) kilometers north of Sydney, one of the major urban centers in all of Australia.
And as a result, somewhere around hundreds of Koalas are feared dead in Australia, the only country where this cuddly and one of a kind bear species is found.
But that said, it is important to note the extent of the damage caused by the Australian bushfire that engulfed Port Macquire, striking it in ways that one could hardly imagine. Apparently, this surprising strike by the force of Mother Nature ended up ravaging a massive length of 2,000 hectares.
Once you do the math, you realize that’s damage caused to somewhere around 4,900 acres of land area. To this point, it is confirmed that the authorities are still battling to control the massive fire that has struck Australia absolutely unannounced.
But implicit in this toll extolled upon the Australian wildlife is the fact that the Koala bears are, as it is, facing the brunt of a declining population. Add to that the fact that the wildlife rescuers who were among the first to rush to the scene of the natural calamity stating their ‘worst fears’ regarding the hundreds of Koalas who are feared dead in Australia.
Reporting in incisive detail about the entire issue was Al-Jazeera which happened to share the following insights:

“The special importance of those koalas is that they are very genetically diverse,” Sue Ashton, president of the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, told AFP news agency.
Ashton worries that “hundreds” in the known koala breeding area “have perished in the fire”.
“It’s a national tragedy because this koala population is so unique,” she added.
More than 70 fires continue to burn across New South Wales, which has been battling severe drought.
Authorities say conditions are easing near Port Macquarie, where aircraft are being used to battle the out-of-control blaze.
“The fire will continue to burn throughout the night, however, there are significant resources in the area protecting properties,” New South Wales Rural Fire Service said in their latest update.
Ashton said wildlife volunteers would join firefighters in the area on either Thursday or Friday to assess the scale of loss and begin a rescue operation for the surviving animals.
It ought to be reminded that the real toll of this natural calamity can only be assessed by mentioning the fact that Australia, the continent that’s the only current home to an endangered species is already busy fighting a prolonged battle to save one of its cuddliest and indeed, friendliest species of wildlife.