Dinosaurs! They have captured our imagination since they first started chasing humans in James Cameron’s Jurassic Park and the many captivating series that followed. There are researches pertaining to them, there are museums dedicated to these enigmatic mammoth reptilian species and every now again, comes across an eye-opener in conventional media that re-aligns the world’s focus to an era where these grizzlies roamed about freely.

Apparently, in a latest developing news a new species of dinosaurs has been discovered that slightly bears resembles to aquatic birds, if reports are to be believed. This new dinosaur species that has just been discovered- Halszkaraptor- lived in the Cretaceous period that was about 71-75 million years ago. It is believed to have spent some time- every now and again- in the water.

The Halszkaraptor was funnily somewhere between the size of a chicken and a turkey. So therefore, if children studying in modern schooling systems today were asked to draw it, it would appear that the dinosaur got hatched in size. The kids would break pencils in utter frustration as drawings would rather seem to depict some bird or duck like creature seemingly stunted in growth rather than an atrociously scary over-sized reptile.

In fact, what turns out according to conclusive researches dealing with the Halszkaraptor- the dinosaur had an unusual array of features, seemingly resembling a duck as well as a penguin.

Professors in the University of Alberta have arrived at a breakthrough conclusion with regards to the Halszkaraptor. That this dinosaur had a heron-like neck, flipper-type forelimbs and webbed feet, similar to a duck, it is concluded that it may have been spending quite some time in the water. It also had 100 teeth and a long neck.

Consider, if you will, for only a few minutes that one were to make a hybrid out of a dinosaur and a duck or some aquatic bird, the end result, quite simply would be a Halszkaraptor.

It is also believed that the new dinosaur species might have lived in the region of Mongolia, scientists say. Mongolia, of course, has provided in the past a wealth of discoveries of different dinosaur species. In fact, reports suggest that in the near future, new-found species of dinosaur are more likely to be the size of a Halszkaraptor, simply because in the past, they have been overlooked in favour of iconic large dinosaurs.