Watching porn is not a taboo when it comes to watching the delights of the videos in your comfort zones.
Earlier magazines were the place of solitude for many, now it is smartphones. An easy way to access the porn.
Over the last five years, the percentage of porn viewers has increased dramatically. Android users here win the battle from iOS, only at the phone section, in tablet section the increase is in the latter section.
How much time is spent on the site?
An average of 10 minutes, 8 minutes and 11 minutes of android, iOS and other mobile operating systems respectively.
Which gender has more prominent role in watching porn?
However, it was opaque how one can conclude it, still a whopping 75% of the visitors were male.
Who is more popular when it comes to search?
On Android, it is Lisa Ann and On iOS Kim Kardashian rules. Oh Boy! Mia Khalifa is not behind.

Where do we stand?
Proudly we are on number two with Argentina when it comes to Pornhub visitors.

As the numbers of Smartphone is increasing dramatically, so the “Pleasure watching” business IS!
6 Oct, 2015
P Rawat