What started as a research project of Larry Page and Sergey Brin took first step in garage is now a giant of virtual world.That project turned incorporation is now seventeen years old.
A mistake in spelling gave us GOOGLE instead of GOOGOL, which could have fetch them $1 Million if sold, has now created wealth of more than $110 million.
Google Doodle in initial years different date of birthday of google however since its 8th birthday, the official date has remained 27th September(Reasons are opaque).
Few facts that illustrates Relation Between Google and September.
1. When was Google founded?
2. When Google got its domain?
3. Incorporation formation took place in September.
4. How Google earth got clear images of the Earth?
5. How search engine became our answers to problems?
6. Google Chrome took birth in which year?
7. Is Google only about software?
27 Sept, 2015
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