Relationship Advice: Dating A Girl Who Likes To ‘Fix’ People Can Be The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To You!

Dating isn’t easy and to choose the right partner is tougher that one could imagine but let’s just say that you can still do it decently unless it’s not the end of the world. The one thing that constantly ends up messing guys is, when they meet a girl, they couldn’t decide whether it can be long term relationship or not. Because they take their time and, stay constantly confused between ‘ wants’ and ‘needs’ they couldn’t decide to take things forward and commit.
Guys, I am sure you have met a lot of women in your life and few of you may have a clear thought about your partner but if you happen to fall under the large circle of confused people then a girl who just loves to fix people will be just right to choose among them all. Why? Well, I am giving you 8 reasons.
1.She Never Gives Up Easily

A girl who has always wanted to fix people never back off. She just doesn’t stop trying and if she loves you, you can be sure that no matter what, she won’t quit you. This girl is one of the very few people, who never give up on any person who in some ways are attached to their lives.
2. She Will Always See The Best In You.

This girl is not about what stirs on the surface, she is about the depth. Beyond all the superficialities, she will always look for the things and qualities which define your life. She will always search the best of your potential and help you to see that in yourself.
3. She Never Stops Fixing Herself.

The girl who wants to fix others starts the practice from herself. She isn’t interested in fixing others only, in fact, she always tries to improve and be a better person every day. She knows that she is still a work in progress like the rest of the world.
4. She Never Loses Hope

Hope is what keeps us alive and no matter how much people or circumstances in life try, she never gives up. Despite people tell her that people can not be fixed, she knows that everyone is looking for a helping hand but too afraid to admit. She will help broken souls and will not let people discourage her enthusiasm towards it.
5.She Will Mend Your Broken Pieces.

Yes! She will, simply because she has already been there and knows what it feels like to be on that road. She knows how agonistic and painful it is to be broken thus, she will do everything in her power to heal your broken heart. She has learned it hardways and because she was broken once, she knows what it takes to fix a broken heart.
6. She Will Love Your Dark Side!

We all have dark and twisted side buried inside our hearts which we refrain from showing the world. We keep it hidden but this girl, she will explore it. She will love it as much as she loves you and will make you see light in it. She loves to explore the hidden side of people and fix it.
7. Imperfections Are Her Favorite

She knows that everyone has flaws and she understands it. She will love you for your imperfections because that makes you real and the man you are. She will love your flaws more and make you feel flawless.
8. She Is Kind And Forgiving!

Forgiveness is something that cannot be mastered by everyone. She forgives because she knows that it’s easy to hold on to anger than forgiving people. Forgiveness required strength and she chooses to see beyond people’s actions. She looks deeply into people’s heart and that makes her forgive people most of the time even when they don’t realize that they have done something wrong.
Do you need more reasons? She is perfect and that what a guy wants isn’t it? She may seem like an imaginary creature but the reality is that these girls do exist and if you happen to find one, I will suggest never let her go because she could make your world happier than ever!