The human body needs blood to live. The body can compensate for a sudden loss but only up to a certain amount. After that, only transfusions help, otherwise it becomes life-threatening. But how much blood does a person need and what is the most common blood group in India? Let’s find out.

We cannot live without blood, it transports oxygen as well as important nutrients, waste materials, and hormones. Almost seven percent of a person’s body weight consists of the red liquid we call blood.
In an adult male body that’s about 5.6 liters, in an adult female body about 4.5 liters. A newborn baby carries about a cup of blood. On average, an adult human body consists of about five liters of blood which flows through 100,000 kilometers of blood vessels throughout the body.
Why Losing More Than 1.5 Liters is Critical? – What Is The Normal Blood Level For Human?
The average adult has about 4.5 to 5.5 liters of blood circulating inside their body. If someone loses blood due to an accident, internal bleeding, or an operation, they can cope with a certain amount. A healthy adult can lose up to 1.5 liters without causing serious damage.
However, if it is more than 1.5 liters, the organs are no longer adequately supplied with oxygen. In this case, blood transfusion becomes necessary, otherwise, the blood loss can be fatal.
Half a liter of blood is normally withdrawn from a person donating blood. This takes between five and ten minutes. The blood is re-formed in the body within a few hours. The blood collected from the donors has to go through checkups and refinement because there are various blood types. These blood types have specific donors and not everyone can donate blood to anyone.
What is The Bedside Test?

A bedside test is performed before each blood transfusion. The doctor checks the blood group characteristics of a patient to ensure that they are not mixed up. To do this, he takes a few drops of blood from the patient. He puts these on a special test field on which antiserum is applied.
If antigens come into contact with antibodies directed against them, the blood clots. However, if the blood groups match, the blood transfusion can be carried out.
Here is something to simplify the blood donation structure
If your blood type is: | You can give to: | You can receive from: |
O Positive | O+, A+, B+, AB+ | O+, O- |
A Positive | A+, AB+ | A+, A-, O+, O- |
B Positive | B+, AB+ | B+, B-, O+, O- |
AB Positive | AB+ Only | All blood types |
O Negative | All blood types | O- only |
A Negative | A-, A+, AB-, AB+ | A-, O- |
B Negative | B-, B+, AB-, AB+ | B-, O- |
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Which is The Most Common Blood Group In India?
In India, blood group types B + and 0+ are most common and the least frequent blood types are AB – and A -. Specifically, the blood group distribution looks like this.
Blood types | Rhesus factor | Frequency | |
Blood group | A | Positive (+) | 20.80% |
Blood group | A | Negative (-) | 0.57% |
Blood group | B | Positive (+) | 38.14% |
Blood group | B | Negative (-) | 1.79% |
Blood group | O | Positive (+) | 27.85% |
Blood group | O | Negative (-) | 1.43% |
Blood group | AB | Positive (+) | 8.93% |
Blood group | AB | Negative (-) | 0.49% |
How is The Blood Group Inherited?
The blood group is inherited from the parents to their children. In the newborn, the blood group is therefore composed of the inherited characteristic of the mother and the inherited characteristic of the father. Strictly speaking, the blood types can be divided even further.
Blood type A means that the person can have blood type AO (mixed) or AA (pure). Blood group B can show up as BO or BB. Blood group O, however, is always pure and forms OO. Antigens A and B are dominant and they always prevail. Blood group AB is known as mixed.
The blood of every person is unique which has one major disadvantage that you cannot mix every blood but that is also crucial for the development of the human race.