7 minutes of exercise each day for a slim and fit body sounds a little too good to be true, but it’s actually proven. Just seven minutes of regular exercise is enough to build muscles and define your body. This fitness program has it all. Let’s take a closer look at the High-Intensity Interval Training workout trend.

No time for sport? This excuse no longer applies because the high-intensity interval training (HIIT) promises a top form in a short time. Only seven minutes a day should be enough to build muscle and burn fat. Best of all, you don’t need any equipment to do it, you can do it in the comfort of your own home.
Keeping a Long Story Short – High Intensity Interval Training
In the trendy fitness program from the USA, which is borrowed from circuit training, you need to complete twelve exercises of 30 seconds each with a 10 to 15-second break in between. The workout then takes around twelve minutes in total. A minimum of 15 to 20 repetitions per exercise should be achieved.
Due to the extreme intensity of interval training, short training time is sufficient. The same training results are achieved with extensive endurance training because the 7-minute workout trains endurance and strength in a single module. However, due to the efficiency, the exercises are also very strenuous and sweaty. It is important that you pause for about two to three days between training sessions because muscles build up during the recovery phase.
Pay Attention to Your Performance Limit
If you are in pain after the High-intensity interval workout, you should consult an expert so as not to risk doing the exercises incorrectly or misjudging your performance level. The HIIT workout is less suitable for complete beginners who were never into any sports.

People with knee or back problems must also avoid it and should conform to less strenuous yet effective formats like Yoga. You should already have experience with the exercises to be performed. However, reaching the pain threshold is intentional and you should accept the burning of muscles.
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Minimum Effort, Maximum Success
In the study with the same name, it was proven that High-Intensity Circuit Training using bodyweight gives maximum results with minimal investment. You need to do twelve exercises a day and they are enough to build muscles, lose weight, and keep the body in top form.
The secret behind the success of the workout may very well be the arrangement of the exercises. The exercise for the upper body muscles such as push-ups is always followed by an exercise for the lower body muscles such as squats. This is why the recovery breaks are so short that one area of the body can relax in between when another muscle group is used.
The Exercises of the 7-Minute Workout
Before starting the exercise program, you should warm up to reduce the risk of injury. For the same reason, do not overestimate your ability to perform during the workout. These are the exercises included in the 7-minute workout.
1. Jumping Jack
2. Wall Sit
3. Push-ups
4. Abdominal Crunches
5. Step up onto Chair

6. Squats
7. Triceps Dips On Chair
8. Plank
9. Run In-Place With Knees Drawn Up
10. Lunges
11. Rotation Push-Ups
12. Side plank
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Make sure you do the exercises properly, even if you are training against the clock. Experts consider the 7-minute workout to be useful as a supplement to many other sports.