French Fries are literally one of the best munchies ever, however, the only problem with them is that once they get cold, the crisp fades away and they become all soggy. How many times have you reheat them and ate only to find out that they don’t taste the same?
That feeling of sogged fries is never satisfying and it always leaves us wanting a solution that can keep them crisp even when we reheat them after hours. The cold and rubbery texture of them wants us to never eat them again but fries love is greater than the hatred.
The thing is we keep missing the fact that they shouldn’t be reheated in the oven. Yup, there is a simple trick to reheat them which will bring back their crispness again.
All you have to do is to reheat them in butter. Whoa! You didn’t think it through, did you? Yes, it’s as simple as that.

Just take a frying pan, put some (or a lot if you want) butter and let it melt completely. Now take those rubbery fries and put them into this smoking butter. Stir for a minute and watch those fries becoming crisp again.

Make sure you mix them properly so they all get evenly toasted, you don’t want some of them to burn, do you?
Tada, they are ready to eat.

We know, it’s the best cooking trick that you have read today so don’t forget to share it with your friends. Enjoy those fries!
Avni S. Singh