Every Indian can relate to the fact that, the microwave in our house has not been used to its maximum potential. The concept of microwave cooking is still very alienated in some kitchens and it’s perfectly normal, we have been the people of cooking on fire and switching does take some time. However, we are reaching there. One dish a time.
But there are some microwave tricks that can make your kitchen life way too easier. So take out your notepad and start jotting down these pointers.
Microwave tricks:
1. For a not so tragic onion cutting session, cut the top and bottom part of the onion and then microwave them for 30 sec. This would help you save your tears while you’re peeling the onion.

2. Toasting nuts in a microwave is much easier and less time consuming in comparison to the conventional way of doing it. Toast your nuts on a microwave and stir them after every one minute. Put the microwave temperature at high while doing so.

3. Boiling potatoes is also very easy in the microwave, and it does not involve a lot of utensils as well as manpower. Put your potatoes in a poly bag and sprinkle some water on them, after this put them in the microwave for 5-6 minutes.
4. Crystallised honey and jam can be brought back to life through the microwave. Just open the lid and let it microwave for two minutes, and it’s good to go.
Courtesy: wired
5. Get every drop of lemon juice from a lemon, by just microwaving it for 20 seconds prior to the extraction.

6. Melting dark chocolate, jaggery, white chocolate, butter and cheese, is very easy with a microwave. Just let it heat up for two minutes.

7. Heat your bread in the microwave for making it feel fresh again. Plus your butter glides on very easily on hot bread.

8. Restore the freshness of your crackers and cereals by heating them for 30 seconds on high temperature.
Also Read – Why doesn’t the food get evenly warm in a Microwave?

9. Microwave popcorn with ease put the corns in a brown bag and fold the ends of it 2-3 times. Heat it up and then take it out when the popping is 3-4 seconds apart.

10. Dry the herbs by just placing them on a paper towel and then heating it up on high for 2-3 minutes. Your dry herbs are ready.

After all the peeling, boiling, melting and drying that you’ve done in the microwave, it definitely needs some cleaning and because we are giving you less time-consuming ideas, then the cleaning should also be quick and easy.

So for that just cut 2 lemons in halves and put it in a bowl of water, and now just let it heat up for 5-7 minutes. After this, you can just wipe your oven clean in no time and without any hassle with these microwave tricks.
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19 October 2017
Jyotsna Amla