The European Union (EU) on Tuesday presented a new border and coast guard plan to better manage the bloc’s external borders and protect the passport-free policy, in a bid to stem the massive migrant influx.
Earlier Frontex was managing the border control for EU.

What is the new plan of EU to stem Migrant Influx?
Frontex, a European agency depended heavily on member states’ border control efforts, and EU felt it needs replacement. The European Commission, executive branch of the EU proffered the need to establish a brand new authority at the European Parliament plenary meet. “The European Border and Coast Guard” will be the name of new agency, Xinhua reported.
The agency was designed to draw on 1,500+ experts to gain technical equipment, to save from the shortage of staff or any other required equipment to safeguard the European border operations.
How New agency “the European Border and Coast Guard,” will be different from Frontex?
Human resource will be more than double from former agency Frontex. It is expected to reach the headcount of 1,000 permanent staff, including field operatives, by 2020, the Commission said.
Why “the European Border and Coast Guard” is provoking controversy?
The EU’s proposals also provoked controversial due to its intervention power in the areas of host country. The agency will have power to interfere in the matter of state’s border and no approval will be required for it.
In the statement of the commission it is said – At the time of emergency, agency can take crucial steps likes blocking external border and also agency will be allowed to “step in and deploy European Border and Coast Guard Teams to ensure that action is taken on the ground even when a member state is unable or unwilling to take the necessary measures”.
Why all of a sudden there is dearth of new agency to manage border?
After WORLD WAR II, the crisis of refugee influx has mounted the problems for Europe, it is been said as the worst migrant crisis. Reason is ISIS in Syria is making it difficult for the people of Syria to live there, horrible conditions in the state is indirectly resulting in the nightmare for the front line countries especially Italy and Greece. The countries are struggling to keep up the balanced approach and scarcity of resources with the massive inflow of migrants is tormenting the situation.
Even the Schengen passport free policy is at risk, as many European countries has now reimposed border checks to tackle the migrant crisis.
What the EU commissioner said in the meet?
“The current migration and security challenges know no borders, and require a truly European approach,” “Where Frontex used to be limited to supporting member states in managing their external borders, the new Border Agency will go beyond this,” said Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship.
The EU leaders are scheduled to discuss the proposals at a summit on Thursday and Friday in Brussels.
The crisis indeed knows no boundaries, yet one can’t hit the status of “SOVEREIGNTY OF ANY STATE”. A mutual approach is required to seek solution.