He was once, the most-known Tennis star from all of Germany. He was also, at one point in time, the most successful Tennis icon from Germany, which is when Steffi Graf emerged and changed the scene once and for all. But life, in his post-Tennis career, didn’t exactly go as planned, it could be said, for Boris Becker, who was even bankrupt at one point in time.
For someone who was so used to making the headlines for all sorts of positive achievements on the tennis court, it surely may not have been any pleasant to be courting sorry and gloomy headlines, in the latter half of his life.
Still, who says, one cannot begin again, or for that matter, start absolutely anew at 52? Look no further than the great Tennis star of Germany Boris Becker, who just recently unveiled -believe it or not- a fashion-line of his own.

The first question, upon learning of this dazzling development is, just who saw that coming?
Life’s shown different shades to the former Tennis player, who, it is believed, is still going to live under ‘bankruptcy restrictions’ until 2031. A reason for all the financial upheaval in his life is because of a messy divorce Becker has been a part of. Ever since the pair announced their split and it became known that no longer could Boris Becker and Lilly (44-years-old) could sustain their marriage, the 52-year-old has lived under severe financial strife.
Even as their divorce comes to a bitter conclusion, the settlement, as one fears, could prove decidedly too costly for the tennis hero. A reason to use that adjective is since the divorce from his first wife was anything but normal by any financial standards; with Becker having to shell out £11million in cash.
But recently, life for the financially-troubled Tennis star showed up something bright and positive, for a change as Boris Becker made headlines once again as he unveiled a range of apparels, including- T-Shirts, Jackets, Footwear, along with bags.
This, mind you, is Mr. Becker’s entry into an entirely new realm; something toward which he has no previous inclinations or experience whatsoever. Yet, by the looks and reception of it, it appears that Mr. Becker has done a reasonably fine job as he was the toast of the town in all of Dusseldorf recently.
Also, Mr. Becker was joined by popular German personalities – Bernhard Josephs and Thomas Janssen– at the recent fashion-line launch. The big question now is whether the new launch can help him ease his financial woes somewhat?
Having said that, here’s an important excerpt published from a report on Boris Becker on the Daily Mail (UK) that shared:
The three times Wimbledon champion and tennis commentator was told last October that the term was to be extended after it was discovered that he had not disclosed all his assets to the Official Receiver.
A statement from the Insolvency service said: ‘The Official Receiver investigated undisclosed transactions occurring before and after the bankruptcy proceedings, totalling over £4.5million.
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‘Bankruptcy restrictions are usually lifted after a year but, owing to the nature of Boris Becker’s actions, the Official Receiver pursued extended restrictions to prevent Mr Becker causing further harm to his creditors.