Winters in India comprises of many things, however, the most loved one from the lot would any day be the dark rum – Old Monk. This single brand of rum is a staple of many in winters and is a favourite evening companion for millions cutting across age, class, and continents.
gandharva on Twitter
The year has just began and bad news have started coming in. Kapil Mohan passed away. A Padmashree, retd. Brigadier and last but not the least- the man behind Old Monk.
On January 6, 2018, Brigadier (retd.) Kapil Mohan, the man behind Old Monk passed away following a cardiac arrest at Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad. Kapil Mohan was 88 years old. As per moneycontrol, Mohan was keeping unwell in his last years, he is survived by his wife Pushpa Mohan.

Mohan was the chairman of Mohan Meakin, the maker of Old Monk rum and he was also the man behind brands like Solan No. 1 and Golden Eagle. His company launched Old Monk rum brand on December 19, 1954.
Kapil Mohan was a man who kept traditions alive at Mohan Meakin and this is one of the major reasons behind the astounding success of Old Monk in the country. The water for brewing the Old Monk was sourced from the same natural spring in Solan as it was 150 years ago when the facilities were first set up. Mohan was also the man who hated the concept of advertisements for marketing his products. In an interview in 2012, Mohan stated, “We do not advertise. I will not, and as long as I am in this chair, we will not (advertise). The best way of my advertising is the product: When it comes to you and you taste it, you look at the difference and ask what is it. That is the best advertisement.”
Till the mid-2000s, it was the largest-selling liquor brand in the country, with heavy patronage from military canteens.
As per the Business Standard, Mohan was the President of the municipal committee in Himachal Pradesh’s Solan, the same place where Mohan Meakin had its distillery and brewery. Kapil Mohan received the Padma Shri award in 2010. The people close to Mohan often said that he was averse to change and wanted things to be done in the traditional way.
Many on Twitter are now mourning the loss of Kapil Mohan and are expressing their grief with one peg at a time.
Aditya Raj Kaul on Twitter
Sad to hear about the demise of the creator of iconic OLD MONK RUM – Brigadier (Retd.) Kapil Mohan, who ran Mohan Meakin Ltd. Undoubtedly the most favorite drink of youth and the armed forces among others in India. May his soul Rest In Peace. Prayers.
Madhavan Narayanan on Twitter
Sad to hear of the passing of Brig Kapil Mohan — and it does unreported in the news media! He is the man who ran Mohan Meakin and the face beind the Old Monk rum brand that is global. Remember meeting him for a family feud story.
Neeta Kolhatkar on Twitter
today, Old Monk will mourn. Brig (Retd) Dr Kapil Mohan, Chmn Mohan Meakins Breweries, makers of the iconic Old Monk dark rum, passed away
Abhinav Kumar on Twitter
Kapil Mohan, man behind the success of Old Monk, passes away at 88 @Aadimanaw 🙁 Another legend which gave an outstanding brand with we Indians can boast about outside India. #oldmonk #indianrum
Dinesh K Sahoo on Twitter
Tribute to “The Monk who created India’s one of the finest brand- #OldMonk ” #KapilMohan
Schmuck on Twitter
A tribute to #KapilMohan Thank you for #OldMonk rum.
MAITRAV on Twitter
Old Monk Rum is an iconic vatted Indian dark rum, launched on 19 December 1954. It is blended and aged for a minimum of 7 years. It is a dark rum with a distinct vanilla flavour. Alcohol by volume:42.8% Manufacturer:Mohan Meakin RIP Kapil Mohan , you’ll be Missed & sipped !!
Poonam Pandey on Twitter
Can’t belive… The man who’s Brand ‘ Old Monk ‘ i drank as a teenager with my College folks is no More … will miss u! But the Monk will be alive in Hearts of all #OldMonk #KapilMohan
Kapil Mohan, we will always be thankful for your contribution to our winter (and even summer) evenings.
Jyotsna Amla