At a time where the world shifts ever so increasingly to the brink of the unknown, with wars and geopolitical crises ever lurking in a danger area to cause potential upsets, a nation looks to its defence forces to stand in between uncertainty and risk-aversion.

Implicit to the success of any developed, modern nation state is the strength of its defence forces, particularly in this era of the 21st century where strong bilateral relations don’t necessarily nullify chances of bitterness and enmity that might arise out of geopolitical and diplomatic differences.

In this regard, the role of the Indian Army toward strengthening and emboldening India’s safety in an age of immense uncertainty is paramount. In fact, it could be compared to that of a David that has successfully fend off against many a Goliath.

Recently, an interesting bit of news came from the quarters of the Indian Army that lit up faces with excitement. Apparently, it has been confirmed that one of India’s most iconic battle tanks- one used in the tectonic and grilling wars of 1965 and 1971- shall now be gifted to the Pune University.

The tank in news, is a Russian Tank that played a great part in the brutal and feistily-contested battles of 1965 and 1971 and shall now be placed permanently in the confines of the Pune University in the city of Pune, Maharashtra.

It has been confirmed that the said battle tank used by the Indian Army shall be installed on the premises of defence and strategic department in the presence of general officer commanding-in-chief Southern Command Lieutenant General P. Hariz.

Of course, it is a known fact that Pune University’s defence & strategic department has long been associated with the armed forces and many senior defence officials received doctorates from the department.
It has also been shared that the decision to install the formerly used battle tank was taken into consideration with the sole purpose for reminding students and learners of the many great sacrifices and valour of the Indian soldiers who put their lives down to protect their country.

In these times of uncertainty, there stands a strong need for the youth of the world’s largest democracy to come forward and take to the varied establishments of the Indian Defence services in a bid to stand up for the nation. After all, nothing matters as much as the supreme sense of sacrifice.