Our choices tend to reflect the kind of person we are and a recent British survey has reported that choosing a smartphone can really tell a lot about personal characteristics. According to the survey, a majority of iPhone users are ‘Big Fat Liars’, emotional fools and are less humble than those who use Android phones.
The survey was conducted on 530 people from 2015 to 2016. The selected people were asked questions about their smartphone preferences and their personal life. During the study, people were asked to answer a questionnaire in which they had to choose the characteristics that the associate with iPhone and Android users.
Further, they compared these marked characteristics with actual iPhone and Android users to come to a conclusion.
Although, many other high-end surveys are being conducted nowadays but this one will surely trigger a debate among people.
The survey also revealed that young and rich people are more inclined towards iPhones. It further revealed that iPhone users have a strong belief in women and want a status symbol rather than a phone in their hands.
There is more. iPhone users are egoistic and are short-tempered as compared to the ones using Android phones. The survey also stated that Android phones are the most preferred ones for middle age people and they are more honest with an even temper. They further have less importance for money and status.

Not everyone is going to accept that their smartphones are a window to their inner soul, however, the researchers have claimed that they can tell with 70% accuracy about the type of smartphone a person use, after analyzing his personal characteristics.
Since the accuracy was 70%, many of us will think otherwise, however, being a Windows OS user, I am not in a position to comment on the outcome of the research and would appreciate your inputs.
Having said that, being in a friend circle majorly consisting of iPhone users, I agree that they use their iPhones as a status symbol and are irritatingly money minded. (No offense to iPhone lovers but there are exceptions)
Peace Out!!
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28 November 2016
Rohan Jaitly