Of the fourty-four countries that together make up the enigmatic continent known as Europe, at least twenty have either banned or imposed heavy restrictions on the usage of animals in circuses. And that’s only fair and just for subjecting wild animals to bondages and cruel treatment is no less than to subjecting one’s own family member to an adverse situation. Won’t you agree?
And maybe that is why France, without a doubt, the powerhouse economy of Europe, alongside Germany has taken the big bold step toward animal welfare. That said, there’s a sense to ask as to why the most trending development concerning Le France concerns animals and therefore, animal rights!
One of the most important news items in the entirety of the month of September is that in the immediate future, France shall be putting a gradual end to all wildlife plied in traveling circuses all around the nation.
Now at a time where due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, all that one’s hearing is negative news if this development doesn’t sound positive (in essence) then what will ever suffice?
A detailed report published on Republic TV’s web portal happened to elucidate the key developments that form part of this landmark announcement by France. It stated the following:
The latest measures also include the end of mink farming for their fur, ban on breeding of dolphins and killer whales for aquarium purposes. The minister said that the country will support the zoos which improve detention conditions for animals. However, the minister did not announce exactly when these ecological transitions will come into effect and just said that the measures would be taken in the years to come.

That being said, the key force toward this instrumental development in France is the minister for the environment: Bois-Bernard-born Barbara Pompili, who confirmed the heartening development in an official tweet.
This will hopefully take care of several wild animals who happen to suffer from constant abuse being part of traveling circuses, which to this day and age of information and self-awareness continue to host full-crowds who seek in it boundless entertainement.
But then, hasn’t this long been the trend for many a developed country on the face of the earth?
In fact, the mere idea of being freed from captivity is indeed, liberating- is it not?
Basis the key development, revered Animals rights group PETA hailed the decision as “a historic victory”.
It would also add, “Champagne bottles are being uncorked here. Thank you to all those who have helped bring this about.”
Interestingly, no fewer than 500 animals, are, as on current date, being held under captivity in order to perform in traveling circuses.
But in order to make such a massively important declaration work in harmony, there are around 400 local councils, at this point in time, that are working to have such bans in place.
Also Read: What Is France’s Plan To Stabilize Its Economy In The Face Of The Coronavirus Pandemic?
Having said that, when will much of the world arise from its self-induced state of slumber and work to unchain the wild animals from the enervating miasma called fear of living in captivity? Nonetheless, brilliant move by France, one that will hopefully inspire the remainder of Europe to get its act together to save wild animals from needless bondage.