2020 is gone and 2021 is here. And there are only 364 more days left to grapple with another year that- could, in all possibility- be BAD (also a Michael Jackson album), Negative (something all undergoing a COVID 19 test wish to see on the report), and Obnoxious (the very idea of asking for dowry or even thinking about it).
That being said, regardless of however optimistic we all get- and let’s not forget, it is still free of cost to think positively- the scars left by the COVID 19 pandemic were such that, in India alone-
- There were 10.3 million cases
- Of these- there were 149,000 deaths and,
- No fewer than, 9.86 million recoveries.
Grim? Terrible? Okay-okay; your interpretation is, at the end of the day, your interpretation.
But moving on, from a global standpoint, the situation was- certainly grimmer- but hey, that’s obvious for the above was the India count and the following and you can check very well here is the global count of the “CARNAGE,” if you wish to call it that!
Now, that being said, the only question that arises is the following:
How will you and I gain anything by losing our heads?
Fact is, and please do not lose your heads by misinterpreting the above; for the last thing that anyone would want to suggest at a time where Planet Earth is still grappling with the pandemic is to be easy or relaxed about it.
So, you and I are on the same page on this.
Do not, for once, take the pandemic lightly. And here’s the most important piece of advice, that let’s face it, you’ve heard it a million times before:
- Take care of your hygiene: wash hands regularly, use the hand sanitiser and, hey- please do not forget to wear a face mask. You must wear it even when you are not going to a public gathering and are, in fact, in a polluted space.
- Repeat the above, and finally,
- Repeat point#1
Now the above told, what else do you think you can or must do in order to avoid being stung by the CORONAVIRUS in 2021?

For the greatest universal fact is that the stress and anxiety that this virus caused/ is causing/ can cause in the future isn’t going to stop.
Or is it?
Surely, viruses, like love/heartbreaks, next door neighbours, challans do not send you and me a WhatsApp before striking- or do they?
For had that been the case, then probably those who have caused the virus would have knocked our doors and given us all time to prepare in advance.
I’ve heard only somewhere around Mars, not the scrumptious chocolate bar- are they that polite and forthcoming!
But you still must think before working yourself to mental pressure (since COVID 19 is still here and not going anywhere until we all get vaccinated) that how might it have struck mankind.
Yes, the newspapers say something. Yes, the “lap dance” media (GODI is passed, lap is where it all happens) also says a few things.
But truth is- why worry about something whose actual rise isn’t in your hands unless you have come to realise that practising restraint (needless public outings) and maintaining self-hygiene will be as difficult to hide your taxable income?
Come to think of it…just how weird is the world around us becoming, one to which we all have a say in our respective capacities:
“They”- not tourists visiting Jim Morrison’s grave, not the friendly visitors to AREA 51 most definitely either want you and me to think that- a man/woman/weird mammal ate a bat, though not the one with which Tendulkar hit 100 centuries! And this not so sanctimonious act led to the WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC, which emerged somewhere in China.
China, of course, being the country where this particular human- not exactly god’s gift to mankind but a result of some legendary Chinese couple refraining to use protective gear (not helmets which you wear on the two-wheelers but anyways!) hails from:
It wasn’t, could possibly not have been a biological stunt, an enactment that, was perhaps mischievously devised to extol upon the planet a vaccine-selling agenda.
Anyways, why waste time into getting into a discussion or debate now? It’s only January 1, 2021; what are we going to do for the next 364 days?
So let’s come to the point:
Knowing well that our lives, beyond a point, rest in the confines of uncertainty, can we just take 2021 with a bit of ease?
If not, when can we transfer the enticing sum of 10 million dollars to our personal favourite charity?
Oh, my fault.
Should have told you all that by taking stress, creating panic and working ourselves to the point of a mental breakdown- relax, don’t hit me with a shoe, for am still not saying do not take precaution- each of us will be given a lottery of USD 10 million?
To conclude- do thank me later that it ends now and hence, more ordeal- just think for a second all that can be achieved by just taking it easy and by doing any of the following this new year that “COULD” bring us peace, at a time where we have none or very little of it:
Hold the hand of your loved one and say you love him, her
Express gratitude to god for all you have
Look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate the beauty you possess
Stop bothering yourself about only social distancing- yes it’s a norm; now get up and sit next to an old man or woman and comfort them with the greatest thing your can ever give them (something no expensive present can give) : your time!
Before you actually think of criticising anything your parents or domestic staff or anyone does, and purely out of love or a sense of duty, think for a second about the countless lives that do not have a speck of what you and me take for granted.
Finally, smile. The article (send me cash the next we meet) is over! But really, don’t over worry yourself. Drink lots of water. Heck, drink whatever the hell makes you feel good. And take care of yourself.
Bye 2020, welcome 2021. This year we will not over-worry ourselves. Life’s too small, there already are too many worries. By the way, you haven’t checked the likes of your new Insta post- how about attending to that ;)!