“Who is the most powerful hero in marvel ?” Comic book fans are having that kind of debate for as long as superhero comics have been around. A large number of geeky conversations have begun around on the same subject. The same question extends to the movies centered on superheroes. There have been endless debates about who the strongest Marvel character is in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe. There is never a straight answer as every showdown has its own context. The various members of the Avengers are constantly evolving. Looking at how things stand, here is a list Strongest Marvel Characters based on the popularity of these characters.
List of Strongest Marvel Character:
Assessing where things presently portray themselves, we have identified the five strongest Marvel characters who are currently active. We have ranked them based on the magnitude of things they can accomplish with their powers.
5. Doctor Strange
Doctore Strange has already achieved in the mystic arts what others don’t achieve in their entire lifetimes, and his abilities are only growing stronger. When thought through it, Doctor Strange hasn’t been around since not so long ago, and yet it speaks volumes about his spectacular intelligence that he is as powerful as he is. He is on his way to greatness even if may not be the Sorcerer Supreme just yet.
His prowess to use magic relics, cast spells and combine interdimensional energy may be used in a variety of ways. Be it looking into possible futures or ensuring that important items stay out of evil hands, he ensures it all. His stellar and photographic memory means that he learns more and more every day about the potential of his gifts.
4. Hulk

Hulk was all too powering until not so long ago but he has been slipping on the ranking chart a bit. He isn’t quite the same now in the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame. However, if we look at the times five or years ago, he was battling it out with Thor for the top spot on the list. Hulk-the character took a giant step forward in his evolution, as Bruce Banner and the Hulk are now fused minds. The consequences from his snap with Nano Gauntlet can’t be immediately dismissed.
It has been said by the directors that the damage done to Hulk’s arm as a result of bringing back everybody is irreparable. The supreme superhero that Hulk is, he doesn’t have a ‘Hero’ moment in the final battle against Thanos and his army. He may get better going forward but for now, he has fallen a bit in ranking for the most powerful hero in Marvel Universe power rankings.
3. Thor

Following his initial encounter with Thanos, Thor suffered a crisis of confidence in the first half of Avengers: Endgame. However, the fact of the matter is that God of Thunder bounced back quite significantly by the end of the Infinity Saga’s blockbuster. Thor’s spirit has been rebuilt and his abilities are splendid as ever sure as he still has a few pounds to shed, and he no longer possesses the political power that comes with being the king of Asgard.
Both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker are supremely powerful weapons that few in the universe other than Thor can wield. The Asgardian merely channels his power into them as we learned in Thor: Ragnarok.
His light-speed abilities are entirely innate and God-like and combined with his durability and strength he is undoubtedly still one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel universe.
2. Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel is unlike any superhero in existence. She had her DNA changed by an explosion of Tesseract energy and she then received a Kree blood transfusion. She, therefore, is neither totally human nor totally alien. What makes things interesting is that she definitely is powerful. When she realizes what it is that she is capable of, she grows from strength to strength. There was a time when she emerged as the strongest hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
If you want proof of Carol Danvers’ spectacular power, you need not look any further than her arrival during the final battle in Avengers: Endgame. She is viewed as so mighty by the alien forces that she diverts the attention of all the weapons on Thanos’ ship, Sanctuary II, away from the rest of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. By single-handedly destroying the city-sized vessel, she demonstrates why that was probably the best call. She can harness cosmic energy and her ability to fly is remarkable. She is definitely a hero you want around when things go wrong.
1. Scarlet Witch– The strongest marvel character

When she was first introduced in Captain America: The Winter Soldier/Avengers: Age of Ultron, Scarlet Witch definitely wasn’t the most powerful hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Around that time she had only just started realizing her abilities. It allowed her to do cool things like cause hallucinations and harness energy, at the same time her powers kept her on a tier with heroes like Doctor Strange, Black Panther, and Vision. However, in the wake of WandaVision, things are much different in the canon. It’s a challenge to argue against the fact that Wanda Maximoff is the strongest Marvel character/hero alive.
Gifted with the same powers as all of the other heroes mentioned in this list are, at present there is no ability in the franchise greater than Scarlet Witch’s capacity to warp reality to her will. Though she may not have 100 percent control over her power just yet, that doesn’t mean that she’s less strong; she’s is all the more dangerous in fact.
These are the strongest marvel character rankings based on things as they currently stand in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the franchise has the power to totally change with each newly released project.
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