Sunny Leone has always been one of the most popular celebrities in India and with her latest item number Laila Main Laila, she is setting the theaters on fire. Two days ago we posted a video of a Kolkata screening of Raees where people went crazy and turned a theater into a concert, today we have stumbled upon three more videos from Jaipur and other cities of India in which audience are dancing their guts off on the tunes of Laila Main Laila and it is a whole new level of crazy.
It seems Sunny Leone’s moves and smile are winning the hearts of her fans like never before and this rendition of an iconic song is making her the most popular item girl ever.
Check Out These Videos Here:
1. Shah Rukh Khan may have driven the crowd into theaters but Sunny’s item never is driving them crazy!
Must watch @iamsrk @SunnyLeone @FarOutAkhtar @rahuldholakia @gaurikhan on this song jaipurites gone mad … golcha hall jaipur…!!
— ABDUL QUAIYOOM (@AQuaiyoom) January 27, 2017
2. It’s like a gala, with her everyone is losing themselves into the tunes of Laila Main Laila!
@SunnyLeone see laila what happened when u come everybody wants to dance with u laila u nailed it! 1st day vadodara.
— Musabbarali saiyed (@Musabbaralisai1) January 26, 2017
3. Can it get any crazier than this? Dear Sunny, you are truly a woo-men-izer!
@iamsrk @SunnyLeone Must watch Both of U..U'll be definitely Njoy this video😅_
— Sanket (@shahsanket574) January 27, 2017
In case you haven’t seen the song yet here is the full video of Laila Main Laila:
(Video Courtesy: Zee Music Company)
It appears like, as soon as she comes into the view and the tune starts, the mass breaks into celebrations and begins dancing. Sunny herself is happy to see such a response and it seems that she is enjoying all these videos.
Amazing Response , can not even hear the song !!😂😂🙉🙉
— sunnyleone (@SunnyLeone) January 27, 2017
Sunny Leone You Are A True Entertainer!
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27 January 2017
Avni S. Singh