American Daily and Weekly shows, hosted by Comedians, have done something which still seems almost impossible for various other comedians to do, and that’s, to speak their minds. Plus, they have mastered the art of covering their political leaders which, no one would have ever thought, works for the masses. Political satire is going big in America and another mind-blowing example of this, is John Oliver’s recent video where he actually rips apart, Donald Trump’s stand on quitting the Paris Climate Agreement.
With 21 minutes long video, John Oliver did his best to go step-by-step into the Paris Climate Agreement and actually covered President Trump, word-by-word. Oliver offers how everyone around the world and in America is feeling about Trump’s decision, plus gave some alarming facts about how much our Earth is suffering.
Oliver gave some insightful information about how Donald Trump decided to basically shit on every piece of information in the press conference. However, at the end, Oliver also admitted that maybe, just maybe, Trump has done a tiny favour on us, because now people actually know about the implications of the Climate Change. And, this is true, if seen, more people now have much more information about the Paris Climate Agreement, than they had, when 195 countries actually came together to join their hands for it.
Paris Agreement: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Watch Video Here:
source: LastWeekTonight
6th June 2017
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