Positive Stories

My Weight Loss Story

Occupation: Mom of a toddler – Stay at home Mom

Age: 32

Highest weight recorded: 92 kgs

Weight lost: 30 kilos

Duration it took me to lose weight: 1.5Years

The Turning Point

I have always been obese as a kid, and never have I seen myself lean or fit, being on the plus size my self-esteem has been low forever. Post-pregnancy, my weight shot up to 92 kgs and started to feel back pains and joint pains, handling a new born and managing chores were tough and that’s when I decided to lose weight. Blame my hormones, PCOS and bad eating pattern

I started experimenting ‘Intermittent fasting’ and eating right.

I counted calories, did portion control and kept a check on my water intake – this is the first step towards my fitness journey

For the first one week, I started with 12:12 and gradually moved my window to 16:8, by end of the first month, the scale moved down by 5kgs, that was my motivation.

Then I started to walk along with fasting, by end of six months the weight came down by 18kgs.

From then on I never gave up on Intermittent Fasting and made this lockdown time productive by shedding around 30kgs.

My breakfast: Oats, Poha, Idly, Dosa or chia seed pudding

My lunch: Greens, Veggie salad, egg and Roti 

My dinner: Dinners are usually protein-packed with lots of veggies

I indulge in Pizza or Biryani – once in a month

My workout: I walk for 5-6 days a week, 5 to 7 km in the weekdays and 15 km in the weekend

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Cauliflower rice, Yoghurt, Berries and egg

Fitness secrets I unveiled: Building a positive relationship with food is what I have learnt, understood disciplined eating and working out contributes and aids weight loss steadily

Perseverance, dedication and discipline is the way to success

How Do I Stay Motivated?

Each week I check for progress and fitting into dresses that I could never imagine of motivated me to move forward each week

How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? 

I have lost focus many times and for me it was always getting back on the wagon, each time I failed, I chased progress and not numbers on my scale

What’s The Most Difficult Part Of Being Overweight?

  • Being body shamed
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Always called the fat woman in the room and mocked fun
  • Hormonal imbalances and mood swings

What Shape Do You See Yourself 10 Years Down The Line?

Fit in the ’40s is what I expect to be. Zero tolerance to health issues, active and focus on fitness forever.

This new lifestyle is what I will stick to forever and never let go

What Was The Lowest Point For You?

There were times when I cannot step out for a walk, then the weight would stall for months together and break the plateau has been the toughest.

Also Read: How to Correct Metabolism and Lose Weight?

Lessons Learnt From Weight Loss

  1. Intermittent Fasting is one of the most sustainable methods of losing weight
  2. Perseverance and discipline can move mountains
  3. Walking is one of the underestimated workouts
  4. I learnt to love myself after 30 years.

Hope you get motivated by my weight loss story and would want to start your weight loss journey to become a healthy & fit version of yourself. I am available on Instagram under the name fasting_n_more, I share all my learnings and help women who are looking to lose weight like me.

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sasirekha vasu

Published by
sasirekha vasu
Tags: Weight Loss

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