Love is one of the greatest feelings that any man or woman can ever experience. There’s nothing more exciting and interesting than being in love with a person who means the world to you. And, when you’re in love you try the absolute best version of yourself for your partner, this includes being the best at what you do and various other things.
These other things majorly include a lot of dating gestures that a man does for his lady love, and these gestures can never go out of style or get boring. That’s the truth, and several women literally swear by it.
Yes, love is love with or without too much hassle, but at times, a woman just wants their man to put in that extra effort in your relationship, like people back in the day. There were so much and so many things that couple did in the old days when they’re dating, from getting flowers and chocolates, to officially doing everything together. However, over the course of time, we as a generation has collectively decided to throw everything in the garbage and simply get down to do the dirty.
Yes, those who find comfort in this can go for it, however, there are still many men and women out there who would love to go on a walk with their partner, in a beautiful weather and talk about anything and everything possible while holding each other’s hands. There are so many little things like these that can make a dull day of your life turn into a fantastical moment with your loved one.
So, if you’re looking for some dating gestures that can immediately bring a huge smile on your girl’s face then you’re at the right place. We have compiled a list of 10 of these gestures that have proven to be every girl’s favourite, if and when given as a surprise by their partner.
1. Flowers
Flowers and chocolates as a combination have been alive for the longest time possible in the dating game, and the truth is, it never gets old. Yes, some might not fancy it much, however, there are days when every girl wants her beau to come back to her with a flower or two with him and a box of chocolate.
2. Putting that extra thought to date nights.
From going out for some romantic and fancy dates, the world has come to Netflix and Chill, which is shameful, to say the least, for all the hopeless romantics out there. It’s always nice to go out for something interesting and entertaining with a person that you love, for a date night. So, put an extra thought in planning date nights, because these are the nights that would turn into exciting memories for both of you in the future.
3. Shut the phone
There’s nothing more annoying than a person constantly being on their phone while being on a date. Absolutely nothing. So, please take care of this, there’s no Instagram feed much more important than the person that you’ve come out with.
4. Dancing
Dancing with your partner, no matter how good or bad of a dancer you are, is always a highlight of any date that one goes on. Dancing with the person that you love is one of the most intimate things that you can possibly decide to do. So, the next time you go out, do make sure to ask your partner for a dance.
5. Always call, rather than texting.
Remember, in a world of texting, calling the person that you love generates a special kind of interest between you two. It’s the feeling of hearing your loved one’s voice that can practically outdo any kind of text.
6. Holding hands
This one is the cutest, as well as, the easiest gestures from the lot, that anyone can do and put a smile on their lover’s face.
7. Embracing the exclusiveness
Remember how when we’re young, we used to literally ask the other person if they would become your boyfriend or girlfriend. However, with time those questions have just diminished. Now we got to know about our exclusivity with how the other person introduces us to, their friends. But, you don’t need to be one of those couples. Get your game on by simply going out straightforwardly and asking your partner.
These dating gestures are cute, romantic and give that extra edge to you from all the other couples out there.
Jyotsna Amla