Reuse The Rejected Water
The water that you never end up using can actually be stored in a separate tank in order to avoid water wastage, which is an act nothing shy of being criminal in today’s day and age.
Else, if you do not have a tanker or an article like that, use empty buckets or other small container like materials.
Do what you ought to do but do not engage in a step that could lead to water wastage.
Try To Find A Leak and Fix It
If you happen to think about it, then it will be easy to find out that there always are different spots at home where water, just invariably, leaks. Many such areas can be found in the toilet area of a residence. And if not, then there are other areas too, where leakages can be found.
This simple, but important step can be effective in controlling water wastage, which in this day and age is such a letdown.
Now comes the key question, just how do you go about ensuring waster wastage doesn’t happen?
It’s simple. Simply drop some food colour in your toilet tank and allow it to remain there for say, an hour. So what does this tell us? If the colour remains there- it means there is water leakage.
Do Not Keep The Tap Open When Brushing
The simple, harmless act perhaps the entire world does soon upon waking up each morning is to brush teeth.
But many act in a rather inane way whilst doing so. And just how is that? Many of us, rather carelessly, keep the tap running or open whilst we are brushing our teeth, which is a process that lasts for at least five minutes, if not more.
Therefore, one of the simplest ways in which one can ensure avoidance of water wastage is to simply keep that tap in the basin shut (and not open).
See! It’s that simple.
Find Out An Ideal Water Saving Equipment
Not so much with water wastage but nonetheless, an important step towards avoiding water borne diseases that are much too common in countries like India, it is highly important to invest in an ideal water saving equipment.
And just why’s that?
In order to keep away the growing risks associated with water borne diseases such as Diarrhea, Cholera, and Typhoid among many other diseases, to drink clean and healthy water today is about as important a need to undergo a body check up every six months.
Nearly every stable household in India today has invested in a water purifier. But at the same time, there are water purifiers that end up wasting a lot of water. Precisely the thing that must be avoided by going for the best-possible choice that exists!
Shower, Avoid A Bucket
Perhaps it may not be any incorrect to suggest that in an age buzzing and obsessed with lifestyle, where we are very particular about the kind of bathrooms we like, the kinds of tiles that deck up that space and even the material that goes into making a shower less of a shower, but a process of decoration (of personal hygiene), we are forgetting simple things.
Things as uncomplicated as ensuring water isn’t wasted. The more we obsess about taking a shower and avoiding that thing called the bucket, the more we are drifting further from the concept of water conservation.
So what do we do?
Well, it’s simple; start using the bucket o great spiller of water!