Suits is an American legal drama television series that deals with the life and struggles of Mike Ross, while he works under Harvey Spectre, known as the best closer in all of New York. Strong characters like the street-smart Mike Ross, the quick-wit Dona, and the tyrannical Litt are important to the show, but the X-factor of the show remains the character of Harvey Specter, played by Gabriel Macht. This hot-shot attorney has worked his way on to the top and never fails to deliver some of the wittiest and inspiring quotes to the people around him and his fans.
Harvey Spectre is one of the most inspirational, motivational and badass characters on American TV as of now. Leader or not, Spectre’s presence is bound to intimidate even the best of the best in New York. He has been an inspiration for many, all thanks to the success ‘gyaan’ he delivers on day to day basis.
Here are 11 quotes by Harvey Spectre that will motivate you to work only and only for success while keeping your morals and ethics intact.
1. Raising your voice doesn’t make you the correct one in an argument.
2. Keep your ethics intact, no matter what.
3. A smiling face will take you far.
4. Nothing should keep you away from your goals.
5. Work towards your goals.
6. Excuses are for the light-hearted.
7. A man of his words.
8. Do anything for yourself.
9. And life is not like a dictionary.
10. Haters gonna hate.
11. Winner takes it all.
Thank you, Harvey Spectre for existing and making Suits one heck of a show.
Jyotsna Amla