Positive Stories

Why You Need To Know About This Indian-American Couple And Their Act Of Benevolence For Bihar And Jharkhand?

It’s one thing to earn and progress for the sake of one’s self and progress but something quite different to work for the welfare of the others. Ever thought about it? It takes something larger than life to work for a supreme cause of the other. And usually speaking, when one leaves his or her roots, shifting from one’s comfort zone moving to explore greener pastures of life, then it’s highly unlikely that a person ever looks back to realize the plight of the many who are astray from the comforts of life.

Having access to comforts and the modern trappings to lead a wealthy life, away from the hinterland, who can (or how many can) be possibly bothered to look back to take stock of those who are left behind?

But then not everybody is the same; some act for they care about the others!

Specifically speaking, it’s not everyday that we get to read tales about Non Resident Indians that reconnect with their roots to take cognizance of those whom life perhaps wasn’t always kind to- isn’t it? But a recent actual story about an Indian-American couple (having their roots in India) and their kind act of benevolence towards that part in India that’s mired in severe financial constraints tells us about the true beauty of life and that not everyone is self-centered or focused on just the self.

In a piece of development that should top all possible charts of positive news, an Indian-American couple has donated a whopping sum of INR 1 crore (precisely, 150,000 USD) toward the healthcare works of Bihar and Jharkhand.

Image Source: NDTV

The massive sum of money was extended by a benevolent Indian-American couple toward the Bihar Jharkhand Association of North America. And the generous donation has been made by the Ramesh and Kalpana Bhatia Family Foundation toward the BJANA.

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The precious donation shall be duly utilized toward the healthcare efforts in rural areas of the two states in India that are often submerged in grave healthcare concerns and financial discrepancies.

The donation by the Indian-American couple shall be reaching those in dire need of support through a vital initiative known as the Pravasi Alumni Nisshulk, better known as PRAN, a result of a noble creation of like-minded Indian American physicians who work tirelessly to provide healthcare support to the underprivileged in the regions of Bihar and Jharkhand.

The said physicians, news reports shared, have actually set up a physical clinic in the city of Ranchi, with an end aim to extent healthcare services that are absolutely free of cost.

And amid times stifled by the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, with India reeling with a fresh spike in cases across various regions and states, such a massive sum of donation is akin to one finding a safe shelter home while the whole forest was set ablaze by wild fire.

Here is what popular news network NDTV had to say about the beautiful and kind story:

Alok Kumar, former FIA president, said this kind of donation would help the BJANA carry out its healthcare works in the region.

“With the generous donation of Ramesh and Kalpana Bhatia, this became possible. BJANA getting a large donation is a testament to its ongoing philanthropic activities both here and back home, “shared BJANA president Avinash Gupta.

Also Read: Meet Kalpana Saroj, One Of The Most Inspiring Entrepreneurs In The Country

Truth be told, it’s rare to come across stories that have at their heart someone’s large-heartedness for an entire community.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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