Positive Stories

Positive News From Delhi: IAS Officer Travels By Bus, Earns Plaudits From Kejriwal!

Just a day after it was widely reported that an IAS officer in the city of New Delhi, the national capital of the country, had an entire stadium to himself so that he could walk there along with his dog, in comes another piece of news, though utterly polarising to the previous one that made infamous headlines.

Not a news about another IAS officer who used his power and flexed his position’s muscle to use it for his own good. Not a news about some sort of vanity and conspicuous abuse of power either.

As a matter of fact, this one is something that you and I can clearly label a positive news from the country.

Apparently, at a time where there are some in the administrative service of the country who vehemently engage in abuse of power, there also are some who don’t quit tow the line and like to keep things at best, simple.

One such individual is an IAS officer from the national capital of Delhi and his name is- Ashish Kundra.

But here’s the question that many may want to know. Who’s Mr. Ashish Kundra who’s all of a sudden, made positive news from the very city that so often remains buried in incidents of rape, crime, burglary, murder and other heinous occurrences?

To that end, here’s what you need to know:

In his current capacity, the now-noted IAS officer Ashish Kundra is posted as principal secretary-cum-commissioner (transport department) with the government of Delhi.

All of that told, the following is what national newspaper the Hindustan Times had to report on the developing story that’s driving a flurry of pleasant reactions from different corners of the country:

The capital recently witnessed a major controversy over the abuse of power by an IAS couple – Sanjeev Khirwar and Rinku Dugga – who made the authorities of the Thyagraj Stadium  vacate the stadium so that they could walk their dog. Soon after it was reported, Kejriwal government issued an order asking all stadiums to remain open till 10pm so that athletes are not inconvenienced. The Union home ministry then issued a transfer order for both of them – Sanjeev Khirwar to Ladakh and Rinku Dugga to Arunachal Pradesh. Both of them were posted with the Delhi government.

That said, it didn’t take long for the city’s chief minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal to respond to the simple act of the self-effacing IAS officer based in Delhi, Mr. Ashish Kundra.

So, quite clearly the question is, what did Shri Kejriwal had to say on the act of Mr. Kundra not even remotely acting any pricey and deciding instead to travel simply by a bus?

The following is what you need to note:

“We are a people-centric government. Our officers, ministers and MLAs are working constantly amongst people,” the chief minister tweeted. Delhi transport minister Kailash Gahlot also commented, “Good to see commissioner transport Delhi Ashish Kundra travelling in a bus.”

Frankly speaking, an act as simple as traveling by the local bus in the national capital has highlighted Mr. Kundra to the top of everyone’s attention. When you serve the country from the capacity of an administrative position in the government, there’s so much that you can do and truthfully speaking, it all begins with one’s conduct.

The simpler and diligent that it is, the more likely its chances to inspire so many others. Moving about in red-beacon cars meant specifically for government servants isn’t the only way to show that you are in power; at times being understated or playing it simple too can do the job! One needn’t make big statements.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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