
These Vitamin E Rich Foods Will Give You High Immunity & Perfect Health Conditions

For high immunity, a perfect mix of good health conditions, and an active body, it is necessary that we are conscious of the diet pattern we follow. A healthy diet chart provides us all the essential nutrients needed by our body and excludes whatever is harmful or bad for it. The necessity of different nutrients maintains our health in its best condition and is diversified based on its richness in food items. One such nutrient which is very essential for the human body and is required in adequate amounts is Vitamin E. We will decode more about Vitamin E and what makes it so important, as well as, some Vitamin E rich foods that should be incorporated into your regular diet.

So, let’s start with some of the basics of Vitamin E first:

Why Is Vitamin E So Important?

Vitamin E is basically a fat-soluble compound that consists of antioxidant properties. It is required in adequate amounts in our body, for it to function properly. It is also very essential for the immune system, health of our blood vessels and helps us in keeping our skin looking young and youthful.

According to scientists and researchers, there are eight distinct kinds of Vitamin E, but there is just one, alpha-tocopherol, which helps in satisfying the nutritional requirements of a human body.

Now, how can one consume higher content of Vitamin E to explore and add these benefits to their body and lifestyle. The journey can be started right at the kitchen with regular consumption of Vitamin E rich foods that are easy to find, and delicious as well.

Vitamin E Rich Foods:

1. Sunflower Seeds

Apart from being an excellent snack, sunflower seeds can be spread on yogurt, oatmeal, or salad to give them a tastier yet nutritional value. Just a 100 gm serving of sunflower seed provides 35 mg of Vitamin E. It contains fiber, protein, potassium, magnesium, and zinc as well, and offers some of the best benefits of various nutrients and minerals.

2. Almonds

We all have heard that almonds are excellent for boosting memory power, and it is absolutely true. Every 100 gm serving of almonds provides nearly 25 mg of Vitamin E. Apart from this, it gives you protein, fiber, potassium, and magnesium, and can be consumed on its own or paired up with some delicious breakfast or snack recipes to add in the crunch of almonds.

Source: Livestrong

3. Peanuts

Peanuts are an excellent source of proteins but they are also some of the best and most consumed Vitamin E rich foods. In every 100 gm serving of dry roasted peanuts, there is about 5 mg of Vitamin E. Plain and dry roasted peanuts are a lot better than those with added salts and flavours. It also contains fiber, potassium, and niacin.

4. Some Types Of Oils

Some specific types of oils provide a very good amount of Vitamin E, for example, a tablespoon of Wheat germ oil gives 20 mg of Vitamin E, and a tablespoon of Rice bran oil gives 4 mg of Vitamin E, etc. There is a nutritional value in these oils, which deserves more attention than the number of calories and fats present in them.

Suggested Read: 6 Magical Benefits Of Vitamin E Capsule That Can Make Your Skin And Hair Amazing!

5. Avocados

If you’re looking for low sugar content and a higher amount of nutrition, then avocado might just be the perfect item for you. In just 100 gm of avocado, nearly 2 mg of Vitamin E is present. At least, now we know why the West is absolutely crazy about Avocados.

Suggested Read: Why Is Vitamin D Important? Vitamin D Foods For Vegetarians.

6. Spinach

When it comes to high nutrition, green vegetables are always the topmost preferred food item by almost everyone. It is true with the case of Vitamin E too, as 100 gm serving of raw spinach contains nearly 2 mg of Vitamin E. It also has Vitamin C, fiber, and potassium, to upkeep the health and wellness of your body.

Suggested Read: Signs You Have A Vitamin B12 Deficiency

7. Swiss Chard

Another item on our list is a healthy leafy dark green vegetable, and in every serving of 100 gms, it contains approximately 2 mg of Vitamin E. Apart from that, it also has Vitamin A, C, iron, potassium, fiber, and magnesium as well.

So, these were some of the Vitamin E rich foods that should definitely be an integral part of your regular diet. These foods improve one’s immunity and work on bettering the overall growth and functioning of one’s body. Being a powerful antioxidant, it protects your body cells from free radical damage also. 

Suggested Read: Vitamin B12 Foods For Vegans

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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