
Design Your Perfect Workout Plan With These Exercises

Have you ever wondered how we use our legs the whole day when we are standing, walking, running, dancing, sitting, etc? Almost every activity which we perform uses legs and muscles. So imagine how important it is to keep them fit and healthy and to do so we need to do leg workouts. But many of us will wonder why we need to do leg workouts when already our legs are working so much. Well, the leg workouts are designed to provide better strength, stability, posture and bulk (muscle). So that our legs stay fit and strong. Then what are the best leg workouts?

For an effective leg workout one can easily start from basic simple exercises like squats, lunges, hip hinges, etc which can be later modified with the help of weights and other equipment to make them more intense. The main muscles that are involved in any good leg workout include the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.

How can we plan the best leg workouts? Also, what are the key points one should remember while planning such a workout? So, before planning any leg workout a trainer will know about any injury in the past, any medical issues like blood pressure, diabetes, migraines, etc. Also equally important is warm before starting a workout as this prevents injury to the muscles and tendons.

The Best Leg Workouts Plan

                  EXERCISE             REPS & SETS
ABarbell Squat   6-10 reps and 4 sets
BHip Thrust   8-12 reps and 4 sets
CWeighted Walking Lunges   10-14 reps and 3 sets
DLying Leg Curl   8-12 reps and 3 sets
ECalf Raise   15-20 reps and 4 sets

Between each set of one exercise take a 30-60 seconds break and between two different exercises take 60-90 seconds break. Taking rest between sets and between two different exercises is very important as it helps in avoiding the accumulation of lactic acid in muscles which causes muscle fatigue. 

The Best Leg Exercises

When we are planning to focus on legs during our gym, pilates, or yoga session then there are plenty of exercises which are designed for legs and their strength. Some of the best leg exercises includes:

1. Squats: well it wouldn’t be wrong that they are the most effective and indeed best exercise for legs. The other biggest advantages that squats have is the number of variations. For beginners to advanced athletes, trainers, etc perform squats for phenomenal results. A beginner can start with air squats (weighted or unweighted) and later on for advance level you can add weights with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, etc.

Different types of squats are:

  • Barbell Front Squat
  • Barbell Back Squat
  • Split Squat
  • Sumo Squat
  • Hack Squat
  • Dumbbell squat
  • Single leg Squat
  • Goblet Squat
  • Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Landmine squat
  • Frog Squat
  • Overhead Squat and many more variations are present.

2. Lunges: These are one of the most commonly performed leg exercises as it targets the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves. Along with that it helps in building a strong core. There are so many modifications present in lunges and can be performed with weights, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc.

The different types of lunges are as follows:

  • Side Lunges
  • Walking Lunges
  • Reverse Lunges
  • Twist Lunges
  • Curtsy Lunges

3. Romanian Deadlift: It is one of the best leg exercises performed with a barbell. It mainly focuses on hamstrings, glutes and calves.

4. Glute Bridge: This leg exercise is performed with your body weight. For this lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Arms on the side. Now inhale and push your hips towards the ceiling with your core engaged. Hold this position for a few seconds and then slowly come back and repeat the process 8-12 times for 3 sets. This can be done with a single leg too, then they are called Single leg glute bridges.

5. Leg Press: Well you can find the men drooling around this leg exercise machine. The leg exercise machine helps in focusing on the quads, hamstrings and glutes too.

6. Swiss Ball Leg Curl: This leg exercise is performed with a Swiss ball (stability ball). To perform this exercise lie down on the floor with a swiss ball under the lower half of your lower legs. Now tighten the core and raise your hips into the air keeping the knees straight and heels on the ball. Now roll your knees towards the chest keeping hips in the air.

Also Read – What To Eat After A Workout?

7. Calf raises: Well it can be performed with bodyweight or with additional weights too. It is one of the best leg exercises that directly works on your calves. If done with weights, it is performed with machines. These are of two types: seated calf raises and standing calf raises.

8. Kettlebell Swing: It is a compound exercise for legs and is performed with a kettlebell. For this stand on your feet hip-width apart and weight on the floor. Now hold the kettlebell with both hands (keep back flat), extend your hips and allow hips to bend so that the weight can swing between your legs. Now extend your hips, exhale, swing the weight upto to the shoulder level. Repeat it 8-10 times in 3 sets.

For overall good posture and stability in movements, leg workout with various leg exercises is essential. But leg workout needs to be planned with the help of a trainer for better results. If you are planning to go ahead without any trainer then remember leg exercises are not just about hamstrings and calves. The best leg workouts and leg exercises are a mix of compound exercises. So focus on what is best for you as per your need and you can plan a unique workout plan for yourself using the above best leg workouts and leg exercises for guidance. 

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Sonia Solanki

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Sonia Solanki

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