
5 Best Mascaras For All Women That You Should Try

The phrase beauty and women are kind of inseparable. Only simply cannot imagine women minus beauty. And that said, beauty need not always have physical attributes. There’s this ever-present intrinsic beauty that every woman has that only adds to her allure.

But, that being said, a little bit of external addition for galvanising one’s beauty further may not hurt. Isn’t it? Probably, that is why we find most women around us submerged in interesting ways in which to beautify themselves.

It’s a natural phenomenon of sorts. Isn’t it? So in that regard, what are some of the best ways in which one further beautifies herself? Probably, the usage of Mascara is one such measure, isn’t it?

In that regard, which are the best mascaras for women? Rather, let it be asked which are 5 of the best mascaras for women? Let’s boil this down to a top 5 list for our readers:

1. Benefit Roller Lash Curling and Lifting Mascara


Implicit in the soul of any modern-age product, regardless of its usage, is packaging. Let us not forget, perhaps that is a big reason why this is such a vital P of the domain of Marketing, according to Philip Kotler.

So when it comes to this legendary Mascara by Benefit, probably it boils down to its luscious pink packaging. But hey, hang on. Do you know what? Most culture editors with leading women’s fashion portals have shared that this is a great everyday mascara that goes on smooth and also gives the eyes a fantastic lift-up. Probably, that is why the Roller Lash Curling and Lifting Mascara is among the best mascaras for women today.

2. Rimmel Wonder’lash Lift Me Up Mascara – best mascaras for women


A sort of an ethereal product, that comes in a serene green packaging, the Rimmel Wonder’lash Lift Me Up Mascara is a handy must-have; a sort of a product that you’d find inside the bag of a modern, cosmopolitan woman. One of the standout aspects of this not too expensive product is that apart from its shapely design, it’s a scented mascara. Now, isn’t that worth valuable purchase girls?

3. Urban Decay Perversion Mascara


If anyone wanted to understand what comprises the best mascaras for women, then the ever-reliable Urban Decay Perversion Mascara would certainly fit the bill. And do you know why? This, after all, is one of those products that kind of grows on you. One of the best products going out there, it makes one’s eyelashes seem ethereal. Perhaps that is why it’s not hard to understand why this product is such a handy addition to any girl’s make up kit.

4. Lancome Grandiose Wide-Angle Mascara – best mascaras for women


Every now and then there comes a product that stays uniquely blended with the purpose it is supposed to deliver and the packaging or design it comes with. This remarkable product is one such fitting example from the grandiose fashion house called Lancome, Paris.

True to its name the Wide-Angle Mascara has been touted as being a beauty product that most fashionistas- models, celebs, stylists, writers, editors of fashion journals- would have for the rest of their lives.

Also Read – Here Are Some Kickass Vegan Mascara In The Market To Choose From

With one regular face wash does this product get removed from the face and the mascara from Lancome is known to be hitting all fashion points reliably.

5. Chanel Inimitable Mascara


Here’s a product that is not only inimitable but also fantastically fashionable. One instantly sits back in awe when there’s anything from the house of Chanel. Isn’t it? Particularly for eyelashes that can hold a curl and for those eyelashes that demand a multiple coating of mascara- this is the choicest product for such varying needs. It is, remarkably, known to be so beautifying for women that one gets habitual of receiving compliments that whether their lashes are ‘falsies.’ You can imagine the impact of this standalone beauty product.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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