
A Guide On How To Cure Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis is a condition that affects the discs and joints in the cervical spine located in the neck. It is a disorder that is marked by the deterioration of cartilage and the formation of new bone. It is caused mainly because of wearing and tearing of joints that may happen due to age, infection, arthritis, and faulty postures. Considered to be largely due to age, there are other factors such as obesity, genetics, and hormonal factors which may cause Cervical Spondylosis. There are several ways as to how to cure cervical spondylosis but one needs to just look for the method suitable for them. 

According to research, the condition is widely present among people aged 60 or more with 90% of patients belonging to the group. It is usually marked by pain in and around the shoulder blade. People also complain of pain along the arm and in the fingers along with weakness in muscles.

How To Cure Cervical Spondylosis

People often come up with questions like ‘how to cure their cervical spondylosis?’ There are methods where individuals have experienced huge relief in pain and improved mobility.

Some of the prominent ways to cure cervical spondylosis are:

1. Proper Medications

Medicines and drugs are abundantly available that control the pain. Some of them are:

  1. Muscle relaxants like Cyclobenzaprine which helps in treating muscle spasms
  2. Anti-epileptic drugs that relieve pain caused by nerve damage
  3. Prescription-based nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which reduce inflammation.
  4. Narcotics such as hydrocodone to relieve pain

2. Physical Therapy Treatment

A physical therapist might be of great help to you. It helps in the stretching of shoulder and neck muscles making them much stronger, relieving pain. You may also have neck traction which involves weights to increase spaces between the joints which reduces pressure on the nerve roots and cervical discs.

Correct neck exercises are easy to perform and don’t require special equipment. Physical therapy treatment is one of the best answers to how to cure cervical spondylosis. Some of the most common exercises are:

  1. Stretching exercises
  2. Bend the neck downwards and repeat it 10 times. After this, bend it backwards and repeat it 10 times again. Now sideways so that the ear touches the shoulder. Bend right, then centre, and then left. Repeat this 10 times.
  3. Raise the shoulders upwards and hold it for 5 seconds and this should be repeated 10 times. This exercise is known as shrugs.

Also Read: What Is A Frozen Shoulder? And The Best Exercises For Frozen Shoulder

3. Surgical Methods

In severe conditions when any treatment doesn’t work, one might require surgery. The surgery consists of removing bone spurs, parts of neck bones or discs which give more space to the nerves and spinal cord. The main motive is to remove the areas that are applying more stress to the affected areas.

However, surgical methods are rare and are preferred only when the doctor recommends if the pain is high and is simultaneously affecting the ability to move arms.

4. Cervical Pillow

For maintaining the optimal position of the neck during sleep aligned with the spine, a cervical pillow might be extremely useful. Conventional pillows cater to the upward or downward movement of the neck which causes pain. A cervical pillow relieves pain and supports the neck properly during sleep.

5. Home Remedies To Cure Cervical Spondylosis

Several home treatments have proved to ease cervical neck pain to a great extent. They tend to quite beneficial for curing Cervical Spondylosis. Patients are advised for proper rest and take care of the posture. Heat and cold treatment also provide relief and relax the sore muscles around the neck and shoulders. 

Also Read: 100% Effective Posture Exercises For Less Back Pain & Confident Stance

Cervical spondylosis is a quite common disorder among people which is mainly accounted for by the poor posture, sitting job of people. People all over the world ask their doctors how to cure cervical spondylosis. Numerous methods are out there that can cure it, but the treatment that is required completely depends upon the level of the disorder. A rich diet containing calcium and Vitamin D can help in making the bones stronger which can eventually prevent the condition. 

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Jatin Kalra

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Jatin Kalra

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