
These Amazing Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice Will Turn This Magic Potion Your BFF For Life

Amla Juice, a.k.a. The magic potion or the juice of immortality is said to possess many benefits that have a positive effect on your skin, hair, body and health. And since more and more people are now diving into the world of amla and amla juice, we have gathered a bunch of benefits of drinking amla juice that will push you into this world and turn this magic potion into your BFF for life!!

Amla is Indian gooseberry and it is known for its nutritional benefits and for its unique taste which isn’t loved by everyone. But then once you get past the taste obstacle, you can easily see the changes it offers to one, in terms of its benefits for hair, skin and body. Amla is consumed in the form of candies, murabba, pickles, chutneys and jams, however, amla juice is the one thing that has been attracting the health freaks toward itself.

Amla juice is a healthy drink as it is a storehouse of vitamin C and other nutrients like iron, which provide an array of health and beauty benefits. But that is not it, there are a ton of other benefits of drinking amla juice that we will share with you today and eventually help you turn into one of those amla juice drinkers and lovers.


Before that, we will tell you the best way to take out amla juice from the amla and eventually consume it.

How to take amla juice?

Some people buy the already available amla juice from the market, or the amla extracts that is easily available now. But if you want to make it from scratch then all you have to do is boil the amla in water, until they are very soft. Once that happens, remove the seed from the middle and grind them into a fine paste. Now, you can easily store it in a refrigerator and then add a bit of this extract in water before consuming.


Some even prefer to drink the amla juice by simply taking out the juice from it in the juicer.

Now let’s finally move on to the benefits, here are some.

1. Fat Burning Properties

Yes, you read that right. This magic potion is known for burning fat when consumed on a regular basis. So, if you have some important function to attend and you need to drop those extra kilos then start drinking it and see the difference. Amla juice fights obesity by enhancing the protein synthesis, which eventually burns the unwanted fat. It also reduces cholesterol levels which minimizes the risks of heart attacks.

2. It is a brilliant blood purifier

The detox drinks industry is worth millions today, but why do you need to shed those extra bucks on costly detox drinks if you can make and drink amla juice at your home and let it work its magic?

Of the most widely known benefits of drinking amla juice is that it flushes out toxins from the body and acts as a blood purifier. The regular intake of this juice, one can the increase in hemoglobin and red blood cells.

3. Improves Eyesight

Spending days and nights on our smart everything, phones, TVs, laptops, watches and what not, has taken a toll on our eyesight and it is harming it with every second going by. But, regular intake of amla juice helps in improving one’s eyesight and nearsightedness and is even said to control the onset of cataracts. In addition to this, it also minimizes intraocular tension and it is known to control counter problems like itching, reddening and watering eyes.

4. Controls Diabetes

One of the most amazing benefits of drinking amla juice is that it is highly recommended for diabetic patients. They are advised to have amla juice with turmeric powder and honey twice a day to control the sugar levels. The chromium present in amla helps control the blood sugar levels and it also stimulates the secretion of insulin in one’s body.

5. Soothes Inflammation

Amla juice has great anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing the swelling of joints which can eventually cause arthritis. With the reducing of inflammation, the tissues of the digestive tract are also protected and bought to ease.

6. Improves Bone Health

Ageing takes a toll on one’s bones and how they function in general, but then there are certain things that can keep them strong and healthy for so long. Amla Juice is just one of them. As per various nutritionists, regular consumptions of amla juice lowers osteoclasts, these are the cells that are responsible for breaking of the bones.

7. A Powerful Antioxidants

Amla is rich in various minerals and vitamins, such as phosphorus, carotene, iron, vitamin B complex and calcium which makes it a powerful and excellent antioxidant. There are certain oxidants that cause stress and amla juice helps your body in protecting it from them. It strengthens your lungs, fortifies the liver, improves muscle tone, nourishes your brain, balances stomach acids and regulates one urinary system. Moreover, as per Ayurveda, regular consumption of amla juice actually promotes longevity.

8. Soothes Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps can be painful but at times they are more worst than ever and in such cases, one can try for everything and anything that works the trick and make them cramps go away. Amla juice is one of such remedies that have proven to work for menstrual cramps and it can actually make them go away. This happens since amla juice is full of minerals and vitamins which eventually turn the things around and let you have a good time without any hassle.

9. Anti-ageing benefits

It is a dream for everyone to look the youngest and best version of themselves for the longest time, but it never happens. However, there are certain things that can slow down the process and amla juice is one of them. It contains a lot of antioxidants and the vitamin C present in it, in particular, keeps one’s skin looking young and healthy for a longer time. It delays the sign of premature ageing, such as wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots and other.

10. Treats acne and scars

Acne and scars are one of the most common things that people face these days and there are dozens of things that one try to make them go away. Amla is another thing that is said to make it go away. Applying a paste of amla for 10 to 15 minutes on the affected area will lighten the spots and reduce the occurrence of pimples. Amla is a brilliant blood purifier and applying it to the affected areas help it fight the microorganisms in the skin. Not just from the outside, one of the benefits of drinking amla juice is that it also works from the inside.

11. Repair Damaged Tissues

Due to all the Vitamin C and other antioxidants present in amla juice, it has some of the most excellent healing properties which can speed up damaged tissue repair. Moreover, problems like scaly and dry skin could also be combated with it.

12. Prevents Premature Graying

Premature graying of hair can be caused due to various things, stress and chemicals are one of the few things contributing to the change. Thankfully, amla juice is said to be one of the things that can prevent it and keep your hair looking all healthy and shiny.

These were some of the benefits of drinking amla juice and even though there are a ton of things that make it the best thing possible. There are certain things that one has to keep in mind before diving deep into the world of amla juice.

Side Effects of Amla Juice/Things To Keep In Mind While Consuming It

  • Try to avoid having amla juice on an empty stomach as it can trigger hyperacidity and be painful.
  • Yes, amla juice is great for diabetics but if you are someone who is suffering from diabetes, do consult your doctor before actually making it a habit. Amla juice is known to lower blood sugar level which at times can interfere with one’s medication.
  • Don’t have more than the recommended amount since it can feel you dehydrated and actually make you feel dizzy and agitated.
  • Kids should avoid amla juice when not advisable since it can cause diarrhea.
  • If you’re pregnant, advise your doctor before drinking amla juice since it can make you feel uneasy.

Here are all the things amla juice related and this almost everything that one needs to know about drinking amla juice, be it the benefits of drinking amla juice, how to take amla juice and side effects of amla juice.

Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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