
6 Offbeat Workout Videos You Can Follow At Home If You Hate Gymming

Have you been trying to lose weight since a long period of time? Have you tried everything on earth, right from gymming to swimming, and walking to running but still haven’t got the expected results? Perhaps you were bored or inconsistent. Maybe you gave up halfway during your weight loss journey. We keep reading articles on health and fitness every day, where it’s mentioned several times that one has to be disciplined and turn the term ‘fitness’ into a way of life. True! But the only way you can stay motivated is if you enjoy exercising. Well, if the regular routine is not working, you need to find an alternative.

Here are 6 offbeat at-home workout videos you can follow if you dislike the conventional gymming –

1. 30-Min Hip-Hop Tabata

Dance your heart away and torch the calories with this kickass video of Keaira LaShae’s hip-hop Tabata. Tuck jumps have never made you feel so awesome before. And no, you do not need any equipments for this. It’s a full-body workout where you have the opportunity to show off your killer moves; there are leg lifts and jump squats as well. So, what are you waiting for, honey? Jump and dance your way to fitness.

2. 45-Minute Cardio Kickboxing Boot Camp

Jeanette Jenkins, the Hollywood Trainer, is ready to get you back in shape with this cardio kick-boxing workout video. This is again a no-equipment workout and you’re just going to love it! Right from the warmup session to the cool down moment, this exercise routine is a helluva treat! An effective full-body workout, this one’s well worth a shot. Go for it!

3. Zumba Dance Workout for Beginners

Now, Zumba is very much in trend and it’s also a fun way to lose weight. In this video, the girls shake it to the tunes of some red-hot numbers like – ‘Welcome To Miami’ & ‘One Girl Can Change The World’. The steps are super easy and all you have to do is follow the beat. That’s all!

4. Break Free– 30 Min Aerobic Dance Workout

Source: Youtube

This video features Bollywood hottie and Bong bombshell Bipasha Basu. Yes, you read that right! It is divided into four sections – Warmup, The Main Workout, Bollywood Routine and Cooling Down. You can either do this at-home workout video or involve your siblings and friends as well. Do it thrice a week or on alternate days and just see the difference in a couple of months.

5. Unleash (Cardio)– 30 Min Fat Burning Full Body Workout

Source: Youtube

Unleash is a very demanding and highly intense full body workout. It has many plyometric exercise moves. If you do this exercise every day, you will surely see a ‘new’ you pretty sooner than you think. Have no fear, when Bipasha is here!

6. Get Fit While You Sit – Sweet Sensations Seated Workout

Tiffany Rothe is one of the most sought-after fitness experts in the industry. Here, in this video, she shows you how you can get fit and feel fine through some amazing seated workouts. Obviously, you can’t depend only on this one video to lose weight; you can team it up with other workout videos. Do this daily or on that day of the week when you are feeling super lazy or are too drained out to do anything else. There are 2 or 3 hand intense hand movements to tone your arms, breathe-ins and breathe-outs for you to relieve yourself of stress and there’s also an exercise that’s really good for digestion.

So, these were the 6 offbeat at-home workout videos, which will help you sweat it out and lose weight in a fun way. What’s more is that you will enjoy your journey of shedding those stubborn flabs and extra kilos. You can add Yoga & Meditation to your fitness routine, and yes, one more thing! 80% of your weight loss depends on the diet you choose. Don’t forget to consult a nutritionist/dietitian for the same.

Stay fit & healthy! And love yourself…

After all, health is wealth. Not ‘finding’ time is just an excuse. If you cannot find time, ‘make’ time for it!

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Shinjini Banerjee

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Shinjini Banerjee

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