Food & Drink

This Mango Ice Cream Recipe Only Requires 3 Ingredients & It’s Your Summer Saviour

Mango season is finally here which means our extreme cravings are also here. There is so much to make and enjoy out of this sweet and delicious fruit, like aam rass, mango pudding and so much more. And, while a lot of this stuff can be made in our homes, there is one mango recipe for which we rely on market vendors, and that is mango ice cream. However, fret not, today we will share a homemade mango ice cream recipe with you which is super easy to make.


Mango ice cream is a perfect refreshment in this hot weather, moreover, there is so much that you can make out of this ice cream and add to it for enhanced taste and ice cream experience.

This homemade ice cream recipe not only tastes amazing but is also super easy to make. You need just three ingredients to make it and it takes not more than half a day to bring it life and devour on. So, without wasting much time, let’s jump right into this mango ice cream recipe. Here are the ingredients that you would need for this mango ice cream recipe.

Mango Ice Cream Ingredients

1. 1 Kg Mango. Once you extract the puree out of these mangoes you will be left with about 800 grams of mango puree which will be the base of your recipe.

2. 500 ml Whipped Cream. While whipped cream is not readily available in the market, you can very well make it at home.

3. 1 can of condensed milk which is about 400 grams.

These were all of the three ingredients that you’ll need for this mango ice cream recipe.

Now, let’s get into the recipe that you’ll be following for this homemade ice cream.

Step 1: Making Whipped Cream

Start by whipping up the cream and make a thick paste out of it. Now, we won’t give you any false hopes about how easy it can be, especially if you don’t have one of those electric hand blenders.

This might take you 8-10 minutes of rigorous whipping. Just make sure that you use chilled cream for this, and if you don’t have one then you can put ice into a bowl and then add the cream to it, in order to get the desired result.

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Step 2: Bringing in The Condensed Milk

Once you’re done with whipping up the cream and making it thick, add condensed milk to the bowl and mix it well. For this homemade ice cream recipe, you don’t need to add any kind of sugar to this, since condensed milk is already very sweet. However, if you’re someone who likes their desserts a bit too sweet, then you can add powdered sugar to this mix.

Put this mix in the fridge to chill and let’s go to the next step.

Step 3: Making Puree

Peel the mangoes and then blend them in the mixer to create a paste-like consistency out of it. You would need to put aside a few pieces of mango separately which would later be used in the recipe.

Step 4: Mixing It All

Now you would be mixing all the ingredients together. You can also add a few drops of vanilla essence into the mix for that enhanced fragrance and flavour. You can also add a few drops of yellow food colouring to the mix to make the colour of this mango ice cream pop out.

©Indian Healthy Recipes

Step 5: Transferring

Now is the time to transfer the mix to another bowl with a lid which will go directly into the freezer. Once you’ve poured the ingredients, add those mango pieces to the container and mix it.

Post this, you’ll keep the container into the fridge but do remember to take it out after every hour and stir it with the help of a fork. You would need to keep the container into the freezer for 4-6 hours.

Step 6: Final Result

©Indian Healthy Recipes

Post the six-hour freezer window, you will get the desired consistency. Now all you need is a scooper to scoop it out and serve it.

By the end of this mango ice cream recipe, you’ll delicious looking and tasting ice cream for your friends and family. You can complement this ice cream with a bunch of different things like chocolate chips, syrup and even make an ice cream sandwich recipe out of this, just add the ice cream between two cookies and you’ll have one.

Suggested Read: Simple Smoothies Recipe

Do try this recipe and share your results with us. Happy Cooking!

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