
Top Benefits Of Black Sesame Seeds – With A Special Focus On Your Hair And Skin

The benefits of black sesame seeds have been known for centuries now. Our ayurvedic and other ancient medicinal science has always included sesame seeds in the preparation of a wide variety of medicines.

Sesame seeds are flat, small, and oily seeds that grow in the sesamum Indicum plant’s pod. The cultivation of these seeds has been around for thousands of years. They come in different colours like black, grey, tan, white and gold. 

Their production is primarily undertaken in Asia but they are now gaining popularity across the globe given their rich health benefits. 

In this article, we will bring out the primary benefits of black sesame seeds.

Benefits of Black Sesame Seeds:

1. Keeps Your Blood Pressure Under Check

One of the major benefits of black sesame seeds is that it keeps your blood pressure under control. 

High blood pressure is the main cause of heart diseases and stroke. The presence of magnesium added with vitamin E and other antioxidants help keep the blood pressure normal. 

A study was conducted on people with high blood pressure and they were asked to consume 2.5 grams of black sesame seeds in powder form. The results of this study were astounding and promising. 

2. Improves Digestion

The benefits of black sesame seeds include treating bowel related problems like indigestion and constipation. It is a known fact that adequate intake of fibres can aid in the betterment of your bowel health. 

The consumption of 30 grams of unhulled sesame seeds, which is about 3 tablespoons, provide for about 12% of your reference daily intake of fibres. Plus the presence of unsaturated fatty acids makes the digestion process very smooth.

Also Read : How To Use Chia Seeds

3. Bone Health – Benefits of Black Sesame Seeds

The presence of calcium and zinc increases the health benefits of black sesame seeds. These two nutrients keep your bones in good health. They also boost bone destiny and therefore are highly recommended for women above 40 years of age. 

4. Great food for Nursing Mothers – Benefits of Black Sesame Seeds

Black sesame seeds must invariably be included in nursing mothers’ diet as they easily aid in increasing the smooth supply of breast milk. These seeds are a rich source of calcium, magnesium, iron and other unsaturated fats which all are highly beneficial to maintain the health of nursing mothers. 

5. Thyroid Health

The thyroid gland has the highest concentration of selenium in our entire body. Selenium, a mineral, performs the function of producing the thyroid hormones in our body.  

The benefit of black sesame seeds is that it is a good source of selenium along with copper, iron and vitamin B6 which all aid in maintaining the overall thyroid health. 

Are black sesame seeds good for hair?

Greying of hair is not entirely linked with your age. Many factors result in greying of your hair like stress level and nutritional intake. 

Traditional Chinese, as well as Indian medicinal science, have emphasised enough the benefits of black sesame seeds for your hair and skin. 

Black sesame seeds are a storehouse of many nutrients like magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, vitamin B variants, etc. which all aids in counter-attacking the process of greying hair. Not just that, the benefit of black sesame seeds is that it also promotes hair growth. 

Your hair needs nutrients both internally as well as externally. Therefore, in addition to the oral intake of black sesame seeds, you can also use products made with these seeds to maintain the overall health of your hair. 

Also Read : 5 Super Healthy Seeds That You Should Incorporate Into Your Daily Diet

Benefits of black sesame seeds and Lustrous Skin

Black sesame seeds work like magic for our skin. 

The black sesame seeds contain oleic acid which has a characteristic of the regeneration of the skin cells. To add to that the linoleic acid prevents the loss of moisture and can give your skin the natural shine.  

The high proportion of antioxidants, like sesamol, sesamin and sesamol, stimulates the capacity of the skin to fight against the free radicals and prevents the skin from untimely ageing. 

All of the above characteristics of sesame seed will result in giving you lustrous healthy-looking skin. 

The Takeaway

The benefits of black sesame seeds go beyond the list provided hereinabove. You must include it in your daily diet in various forms like in your smoothies, protein bars, cereals, in addition to your fruit bowl or just consume it in powder form. 

Adequate consumption of black sesame seeds will take care of the overall health of your body. 

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Payal Gajiwala

Published by
Payal Gajiwala

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