
6 Easy Ways On How To Remove Upper Lip Hair At Home

Hair growth is a common phenomenon in the human body, both in men and women, and while it’s completely acceptable in men to don them fashionably, our society still treats facial hair and body hair as unhygienic and unappealing traits in women. However, we are slowly developing to normalize it in pop culture, social media, and among young and influential minds. But, at the same time, many women prefer to do it for their satisfaction and happiness and if you’re also one of them then we have some of the easiest ways on how to remove upper lip hair at home.

Facial hair, especially upper lip hair, is something that many want to keep at bay, as much as possible. Apart from the media, it is the hygiene factor that drives women to go for different kinds of procedures for upper lip hair removal. If you’re looking for some easy ways to carry out the task at home then we have accumulated the top 6 easy and relatively easy ways on how to remove upper lip hair at home.

Also, do note that all of these procedures are temporary and if you’re looking for a more permanent solution then you should reach out to dermatologists or hair removal clinics. 

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How To Remove Upper Lip Hair At Home

1. Razor

Face shaving is one of the most commonly used procedures on how to remove upper lip hair at home, and more and more people are now shifting to it as it’s easy, painless, can be done at home, and super fast.

Image Source: Amazon

There are some face shaving myths, however, do note that they’re nothing but myths and have been clinically busted various times. You can go for one of the below-listed razors to help you out, all you’ll need is an oil or shaving cream and you’re good to go.

2. Spring Sticks – How To Remove Upper Lip Hair At Home

Considered to be one of the recent inventions in the female skincare market, spring sticks offer a no-pain or harmful solution to your problem, while causing no amount of pigmentation or wrinkles on the skin.

It functions as the hair is trapped between the tight coil spring which grips and removes them in one swift movement. It is also completely portable and best for your sudden touch-up sessions or a weekly hair removal session at home.

Also Read: Best & Super Effective Home Remedies For Blackheads On Nose

3. Trimmers

Trimmers are another great and painless solution to your hair removal query which is easy to execute and now there are more than enough tools to carry out this procedure, all from the comfort of one’s home. Designed to give a precise and close trim to unwanted hair, you can use these trimmers for different needs as well. Some of the best ones to choose include:

Veet Sensitive Touch Trimmer
Image Source: Amazon
Braun Face Mini Hair Remover
Image Source: Amazon

4. Egg White – How To Remove Upper Lip Hair At Home

Moving past the technological and instrumental ways of removing hair, let’s get to some natural ways of doing so. One of the most popular ways is with the use of an egg which has a gelatine-like texture that makes it an excellent peel-off mask. You can also dislodge the upper lip hair strands from it; however, it may not be as excellent as the above-mentioned techniques.

Image: Pixabay

But, regular use of this ingredient is said to have a significant effect on the growth of facial hair, over time. You would need 1 egg white, and mix it with 1 teaspoon of sugar and cornflour until it forms a thick paste. Apply it to the desired area and let it sit for about 30 minutes, and then peel it off. You can repeat this process a minimum of two times a week and notice a significant change.

5. Sugar

Sugaring is a growing and very popular hair removal technique among beauticians these days, all thanks to its super effective and painless nature. It removes unwanted hair, along with preventing the growth of new ones, moreover, it is super easy to do at home.

You’ll need 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, and a soft piece of cloth. Heat the sugar in a pan and then mix it with lemon juice until it leaves behind a thick liquid. Allow the paste to cool down and then apply the paste to your desired region. Place the cloth on the same region and rub it in a circular motion, and then pull it off quickly against the hair growth direction. You’ll be left behind with a soft and hair-free upper lip region.

6. Gelatine

While egg white has a gelatine-like texture, using gelatine in itself can give much better results as a peel-off mask. All you’ll need to make a peel-off mask from gelatine in 1 tablespoon of it, along with 1 and a half tablespoons of milk. Mix the two and let it heat up in the microwave for about 10 to 15 seconds.

Apply the warm paste on your skin and then once it’s dried, peel it off. You would have to do this process pretty regularly to get the desired results, and once every two weeks is considered to be the optimum time.

Also Read: These 7 Homemade Aloe Vera Face Masks Will Give You Bright & Beautiful Skin

So, these were some of the easiest, hassle-free, and painless ways on how to remove upper lip hair at home. Do share your favourite and most trusted process. And, if you’re someone who is looking for a more permanent solution then you can also check out the laser hair removal process and electrolysis, in which electric current destroys the hair and hair follicles leaving behind a no-hair growth zone. 

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